dynFacBAM ========= Purpose ------- Provide Bayesian estimates of the posterior distributions of a dynamic, two-factor model. Format ------ .. function:: dynOut = dynFacBAM(data, dctl) :param data: (NumSubGroups*NumObs x (3+k)), a stacked matrix of observable data. It must include a data/observation indicator in the first column, a group indicator in the second column, and a sub-group indicator in the third column. Unstacked panel series data can be converted to an acceptable format using the :func:`createDynFacData` procedure. :type data: Matrix :param dctl: An instance of a :class:`dynControl` structure. For an instance of the :class:`dynControl` structure named *dctl* the members are: .. include:: include/dyncontrol.rst :type dctl: struct :return dOut: An instance of the :class:`dynOut` structure. For an instance of the :class:`dynOut` structure named *dOut* the members are: .. include:: include/dynout.rst :rtype dOut: struct