Mathematical functions =========================== Scientific functions -------------------------------------------- ===================== =========================================== :doc:`../abs` Returns absolute value of argument. :doc:`../arccos` Computes inverse cosine. :doc:`../arcsin` Computes inverse sine. :doc:`../atan` Computes inverse tangent. :doc:`../atan2` Computes angle given a point :math:`x`,:math:`y`. :doc:`../besselj` Computes Bessel function, first kind. :doc:`../besselk` Computes the modified Bessel function of the second kind, :math:`K_n(x)`. :doc:`../bessely` Computes Bessel function, second kind. :doc:`../beta` Computes the complete Beta function, also called the Euler integral. :doc:`../boxcox` Computes the Box-Cox function. :doc:`../cos` Computes cosine. :doc:`../cosh` Computes hyperbolic cosine. :doc:`../curve` Computes a one-dimensional smoothing curve. :doc:`../digamma` Computes the digamma function. :doc:`../exp` Computes the exponential function of :math:`x`. :doc:`../fmod` Computes the floating-point remainder of :math:`x/y`. :doc:`../gamma` Computes gamma function value. :doc:`../gammacplx` Computes gamma function for complex inputs. :doc:`../gammaii` Compute the inverse incomplete gamma function. :doc:`../ln` Computes the natural log of each element. :doc:`../lnfact` Computes natural log of factorial function. :doc:`../lngamma` Computes the natural log of the gamma function. :doc:`../log` Computes the log (base 10) of each element. :doc:`../mbesseli` Computes modified and exponentially scaled modified Bessels of the first kind of the nth order. :doc:`../pi` Returns the constant, :math:`\pi`. :doc:`../polygamma` Computes the polygamma function of order :math:`n`. :doc:`../psi` Computes the psi (or digamma) function. :doc:`../sin` Computes sine. :doc:`../sinh` Computes the hyperbolic sine. :doc:`../spline` Computes a two-dimensional interpolatory spline. :doc:`../sqrt` Computes the square root of each element. :doc:`../tan` Computes tangent. :doc:`../tanh` Computes hyperbolic tangent. :doc:`../tocart` Converts from polar to Cartesian coordinates. :doc:`../topolar` Converts from Cartesian to polar coordinates. :doc:`../trigamma` Computes trigamma function. :doc:`../zeta` Computes the Rieman zeta function. ===================== =========================================== Differentiation and Integration -------------------------------------------- ========================= =========================================== :doc:`../gradpgradcplx` Computes first derivative of a function. :doc:`../hessphesscplx` Computes second derivative of a function. :doc:`../integrate1d` Integrates a user-defined function over a user-defined range, using adaptive quadrature. :doc:`../intgrat2` Integrates a 2-dimensional function over an user-defined region. :doc:`../intgrat3` Integrates a 3-dimensional function over an user-defined region. :doc:`../intquad1` Integrates a 1-dimensional function. :doc:`../intquad2` Integrates a 2-dimensional function over an user-defined rectangular region. :doc:`../intquad3` Integrates a 3-dimensional function over an user-defined rectangular region. :doc:`../intsimp` Integrates by Simpson's method. ========================= =========================================== The following are differentiation functions with advanced options. ===================== =========================================== :doc:`../gradmtm` Computes numerical gradient with mask. :doc:`../gradmtt` Computes numerical gradient using available threads. :doc:`../gradmttm` Computes numerical gradient with mask using available threads. :doc:`../hessmtg` Computes numerical Hessian using gradient procedure. :doc:`../hessmtgw` Computes numerical Hessian using gradient procedure with weights. :doc:`../hessmtm` Computes numerical Hessian with mask. :doc:`../hessmtmw` Computes numerical Hessian with mask and weights. :doc:`../hessmtt` Computes numerical Hessian using available threads. :doc:`../hessmttg` Computes numerical Hessian using gradient procedure with available threads. :doc:`../hessmttgw` Computes numerical Hessian using gradient procedure with weights and using available threads. :doc:`../hessmttm` Computes numerical Hessian with mask and available threads. :doc:`../hessmtw` Computes numerical Hessian with weights. ===================== =========================================== Linear Algebra -------------------------------------------- ===================== =========================================== :doc:`../balance` Balances a matrix. :doc:`../band` Extracts bands from a symmetric banded matrix. :doc:`../bandchol` Computes the Cholesky decomposition of a positive definite banded matrix. :doc:`../bandcholsol` Solves the system of equations :math:`Ax = b` for :math:`x`, given the lower triangle of the Cholesky decomposition of a positive definite banded matrix :math:`A`. :doc:`../bandltsol` Solves the system of equations :math:`Ax = b` for :math:`x`, where :math:`A` is a lower triangular banded matrix :doc:`../bandrv` Creates a symmetric banded matrix, given its compact form. :doc:`../bandsolpd` Solves the system of equations :math:`Ax = b` for :math:`x`, where :math:`A` is a positive definite banded matrix. :doc:`../blockdiag` Creates a block-diagonal matrix from one or more input matrices :doc:`../chol` Computes Cholesky decomposition, :math:`X=U'U`. :doc:`../choldn` Performs Cholesky downdate on an upper triangular matrix. :doc:`../cholsol` Solves a system of equations given the Cholesky factorization of a matrix. :doc:`../cholup` Performs Cholesky update on an upper triangular matrix. :doc:`../cond` Computes condition number of a matrix. :doc:`../crout` Computes Crout decomposition, :math:`X = LU` (real matrices only). :doc:`../croutp` Computes Crout decomposition with row pivoting (real matrices only). :doc:`../det` Computes determinant of square matrix. :doc:`../detl` Computes determinant of decomposed matrix. :doc:`../dot` Returns a scalar dot product of the columns of two matrices. :doc:`../hess` Computes upper Hessenberg form of a matrix (real matrices only). :doc:`../invinvpd` Inverts a square or positive-definite matrices, respectively. :doc:`../invswp` Computes a generalized sweep inverse. :doc:`../lapeighb` Computes eigenvalues only of a real symmetric or complex Hermitian matrix selected by bounds. :doc:`../lapeighi` Computes eigenvalues only of a real symmetric or complex Hermitian matrix selected by index. :doc:`../lapeighvb` Computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real symmetric or complex Hermitian matrix selected by bounds. :doc:`../lapeighvi` Computes selected eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real symmetric or complex Hermitian matrix. :doc:`../lapgeig` Computes generalized eigenvalues for a pair of real or complex general matrices. :doc:`../lapgeigh` Computes generalized eigenvalues for a pair of real symmetric or Hermitian matrices. :doc:`../lapgeighv` Computes generalized eigenvalues and eigenvectors for a pair of real symmetric or Hermitian matrices. :doc:`../lapgeigv` Computes generalized eigenvalues, left eigenvectors, and right eigenvectors for a pair of real or complex general matrices. :doc:`../lapgschur` Computes the generalized Schur form of a pair of real or complex general matrices. :doc:`../lapgsvdcst` Computes the generalized singular value decomposition of a pair of real or complex general matrices. :doc:`../lapgsvds` Computes the generalized singular value decomposition of a pair of real or complex general matrices. :doc:`../lapgsvdst` Computes the generalized singular value decomposition of a pair of real or complex general matrices. :doc:`../ldl` Computes the :math:`L` and :math:`D` factors of the LDL factorization of a real symmetric matrix. :doc:`../ldlp` Computes :math:`LDL` decomposition with row pivoting of a symmetric matrix. :doc:`../ldlsol` Computes Solves the system of equations :math:`LDLTx = b` using a matrix factorized by :doc:`../ldlp`. :doc:`../lu` Computes :math:`LU` decomposition with row pivoting (real and complex matrices). :doc:`../lusol` Computes Solves the system of equations :math:`LUx = b`. :doc:`../norm` Computes one of several specified matrix norms, or a vector p-norm. :doc:`../null` Computes orthonormal basis for right null space. :doc:`../null1` Computes orthonormal basis for right null space. :doc:`../orth` Computes orthonormal basis for column space :math:`x`. :doc:`../pinv` Generalized pseudo-inverse: Moore-Penrose. :doc:`../pinvmt` Generalized pseudo-inverse: Moore-Penrose. :doc:`../powerm` Computes the power :math:`n` of a matrix :math:`A`, as the mathematical equivalent of the matrix product of :math:`n` copies of :math:`A`. :doc:`../qqr` :math:`QR` decomposition: returns :math:`Q_1` and :math:`R`. :doc:`../qqre` :math:`QR` decomposition: returns :math:`Q_1`, :math:`R` and a permutation vector, :math:`E`. :doc:`../qqrep` :math:`QR` decomposition with pivot control: returns :math:`Q_1`, :math:`R`, and :math:`E`. :doc:`../qr` :math:`QR` decomposition: returns :math:`R`. :doc:`../qre` :math:`QR` decomposition: returns :math:`R` and :math:`E`. :doc:`../qrep` :math:`QR` decomposition with pivot control: returns :math:`R` and :math:`E`. :doc:`../qrsol` Solves a system of equations :math:`R'x = b` given an upper triangular matrix, typically the :math:`R` matrix from a :math:`QR` decomposition. :doc:`../qrtsol` Solves a system of equations :math:`Rx = b` given a lower triangular matrix, typically a transposed :math:`R` matrix from a :math:`QR` decomposition. :doc:`../qtyr` :math:`QR` decomposition: returns :math:`Q'Y` and :math:`R`. :doc:`../qtyre` :math:`QR` decomposition: returns :math:`Q'Y`, :math:`R` and :math:`E`. :doc:`../qtyrep` :math:`QR` decomposition with pivot control: returns :math:`Q'Y`, :math:`R` and :math:`E`. :doc:`../qyr` :math:`QR` decomposition: returns :math:`QY` and :math:`R`. :doc:`../qyre` :math:`QR` decomposition: returns :math:`QY`, :math:`R` and :math:`E`. :doc:`../qyrep` :math:`QR` decomposition with pivot control: returns :math:`QY`, :math:`R` and :math:`E`. :doc:`../qz` Compute the complex :math:`QZ`, or generalized Schur, form of a pair of real or complex general matrices with an option to sort the eigenvalues. :doc:`../rank` Computes rank of a matrix. :doc:`../rref` Computes reduced row echelon form of a matrix. :doc:`../schtoc` Reduces any 2x2 blocks on the diagonal of the real Schur form of a matrix returned from schur. The transformation matrix is also updated. :doc:`../schur` Computes real or complex Schur decomposition of a matrix. :doc:`../solpd` Solves a system of positive definite linear equations. :doc:`../svd` Computes the singular values of a matrix. :doc:`../svd1` Computes singular value decomposition, :math:`X = USV'`. :doc:`../svd2` Computes the singular value decomposition :math:`X = USV'` with compact :math:`U`. :doc:`../svdcusv` Computes the singular value decomposition of a matrix so that: :math:`X = U S V'` (compact :math:`U`). :doc:`../svds` Computes the singular values of a matrix. :doc:`../svdusv` Computes the singular value decomposition of a matrix so that: :math:`X = U S V'`. :doc:`../sylvester` Computes the solution to the Sylvester matrix equation, :math:`AX + XB = C`. :doc:`../tracem` Computes the trace of a matrix. ===================== =========================================== Eigenvalues ----------------- ===================== =========================================== :doc:`../eig` Computes eigenvalues of general matrix. :doc:`../eigh` Computes eigenvalues of complex Hermitian or real symmetric matrix. :doc:`../eighv` Computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of complex Hermitian or real symmetric matrix. :doc:`../eigv` Computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of general matrix. ===================== =========================================== Polynomial Operations -------------------------- ===================== =========================================== :doc:`../polychar` Computes characteristic polynomial of a square matrix. :doc:`../polyeval` Evaluates polynomial with given coefficients. :doc:`../polyint` Calculates Nth order polynomial interpolation given known point pairs. :doc:`../polymake` Computes polynomial coefficients from roots. :doc:`../polymat` Returns sequence powers of a matrix. :doc:`../polymult` Multiplies two polynomials together. :doc:`../polyroot` Computes roots of polynomial from coefficients. ===================== =========================================== See also :doc:`../recserrc`, :doc:`../recsercp`, and :doc:`../conv`. Fourier Transforms ----------------------- ===================== =========================================== :doc:`../dfft` Computes discrete 1-D FFT. :doc:`../dffti` Computes inverse discrete 1-D FFT. :doc:`../fft` Computes 1- or 2-D FFT. :doc:`../ffti` Computes inverse 1- or 2-D FFT. :doc:`../fftm` Computes multi-dimensional FFT. :doc:`../fftmi` Computes inverse multi-dimensional FFT. :doc:`../fftn` Computes 1- or 2-D FFT using prime factor algorithm. :doc:`../rfft` Computes real 1- or 2-D FFT. :doc:`../rffti` Computes inverse real 1- or 2-D FFT. :doc:`../rfftip` Computes inverse real 1- or 2-D FFT from packed format FFT. :doc:`../rfftn` Computes real 1- or 2-D FFT using prime factor algorithm. :doc:`../rfftnp` Computes real 1- or 2-D FFT using prime factor algorithm, returns packed format FFT. :doc:`../rfftp` Computes real 1- or 2-D FFT, returns packed format FFT. ===================== =========================================== Fuzzy Conditional Functions ----------------------------------- ============================================================== =========================================== :doc:`../dotfeqdotfgedotfgtdotfledotfltdotfne` Fuzzy .==, .>=, .>, .<=, .<, .!= :doc:`../dotfeqmtdotfgemtdotfgtmtdotflemtdotfltmtdotfnemt` Fuzzy .==, .>=, .>, .<=, .<, .!= :doc:`../feqfgefgtflefltfne` Fuzzy ==, >=, >, <=, <, != :doc:`../feqmtfgemtfgtmtflemtfltmtfnemt` Fuzzy ==, >=, >, <=, <, != ============================================================== =========================================== The mt commands use an fcmptol argument to control the tolerance used for comparison. The non-mt commands use the global variable _fcmptol to control the tolerance used for comparison. By default, this is 1e-15. The default can be changed by editing the file fcompare.dec. Statistical Functions ------------------------- =========================== =========================================== :doc:`../acf` Computes sample autocorrelations. :doc:`../astd` Computes the standard deviation of the elements across one dimension of an N-dimensional array. :doc:`../astds` Computes the 'sample' standard deviation of the elements across one dimension of an N-dimensional array. :doc:`../chibarsquare` Computes probability of chi-bar-square statistic. :doc:`../clusterse` Computes the White cluster-robust standard errors. :doc:`../combinate` Computes combinations of :math:`n` things taken :math:`k` at a time. :doc:`../combinated` Writes combinations of :math:`n` things taken :math:`k` at a time to a GAUSS data set. :doc:`../conscore` Computes constrained score statistic and its probability. :doc:`../conv` Computes convolution of two vectors. :doc:`../corrmcorrvccorrx` Computes an unbiased estimate of a correlation matrix from a moment matrix, variance-covariance matrix or general matrix. :doc:`../crossprd` Computes cross product. :doc:`../design` Creates a design matrix of 0's and 1's. :doc:`../dstatmt` Computes descriptive statistics of a data set or matrix. :doc:`../dwstat` Computes the Durbin-Watson statistic. :doc:`../dot` Computes a scalar dot product of the columns of two matrices. :doc:`../gdadstat` Computes descriptive statistics on multiple Nx1 variables in a GDA. :doc:`../gdadstatmat` Computes descriptive statistics on a selection of columns in a variable in a GDA. :doc:`../glm` Computes generalized linear regression of a matrix. :doc:`../gmmfit` Computes generalized method of moments estimates from user specified moment function. :doc:`../gmmfitiv` Estimate instrumental variables model using the generalized method of moments. :doc:`../loess` Computes coefficients of locally weighted regression. :doc:`../loessmt` Computes coefficients of locally weighted regression. :doc:`../meanc` Computes mean value of each column of a matrix. :doc:`../median` Computes medians of the columns of a matrix. :doc:`../moment` Computes moment matrix (:math:`x'x`) with special handling of missing values. :doc:`../momentd` Computes moment matrix from a data set. :doc:`../movingave` Computes moving average of a series. :doc:`../movingaveexpwgt` Computes exponentially weighted moving average of a series. :doc:`../movingavewgt` Computes weighted moving average of a series. :doc:`../numcombinations` Computes number of combinations of :math:`n` things taken :math:`k` at a time. :doc:`../ols` Computes least squares regression of data set or matrix. :doc:`../olsmt` Computes least squares regression of data set or matrix. :doc:`../olsqr` Computes OLS coefficients using :math:`QR` decomposition. :doc:`../olsqr2` Computes OLS coefficients, residuals, and predicted values using :math:`QR` decomposition. :doc:`../olsqrmt` Computes OLS coefficients using :math:`QR` decomposition. :doc:`../pacf` Computes sample partial autocorrelations. :doc:`../princomp` Computes principal components of a data matrix. :doc:`../quantile` Computes quantiles from data in a matrix, given specified probabilities. :doc:`../quantiled` Computes quantiles from data in a data set, given specified probabilities. :doc:`../quantilefit` Perform linear quantile regression. :doc:`../quantilefitloc` Perform local linear or quadratic quantile regression. :doc:`../robustse` Computes the Huber-White heteroscedastic robust standard errors. The procedure uses the "sandwich" variance-covariance estimator with a small sample correction of :math:`(n)/(n-1)`. :doc:`../stdc` Computes standard deviation of the columns of a matrix. :doc:`../toeplitz` Computes Toeplitz matrix from column vector. :doc:`../varmall` Computes the log-likelihood of a Vector ARMA model. :doc:`../varmares` Computes the residuals of a Vector ARMA model. :doc:`../vcmvcx` Computes an unbiased estimate of a variance-covariance matrix from a matrix :math:`x` or a moment matrix, :math:`x'x`. =========================== =========================================== Series and Sequence Functions --------------------------------- ===================== =========================================== :doc:`../recserar` Computes autoregressive recursive series. :doc:`../recsercp` Computes recursive series involving products. :doc:`../recserrc` Computes recursive series involving division. :doc:`../recservar` Computes a vector autoregressive recursive. :doc:`../seqaseqm` Creates an additive or multiplicative sequence, respectively. :doc:`../seqadt` Creates a sequence of dates in DT scalar format. :doc:`../seqaposix` Creates a sequence of dates in posix date format, returned as a dataframe date variable. ===================== =========================================== Precision Control --------------------- ===================== =========================================== :doc:`../base10` Converts number to and a power of 10. :doc:`../ceil` Rounds up towards :math:`+\infty`. :doc:`../fix` Rounds towards 0. :doc:`../floor` Rounds down towards :math:`-\infty`. :doc:`../machepsilon` Returns the smallest number such that :math:`1 + eps > 1`. :doc:`../round` Rounds to the nearest integer. :doc:`../trunc` Converts numbers to integers by truncating the fractional portion. ===================== ===========================================