Statistical distributions and sampling ============================================ Cumulative distributions ------------------------------ ============================ =========================================== :doc:`../cdfbeta` Computes integral of beta function. :doc:`../cdfbetainv` Computes the quantile or inverse of the beta cumulative distribution function. :doc:`../cdfbinomial` Computes the binomial cumulative distribution function. :doc:`../cdfbinomialinv` Computes the binomial quantile or inverse cumulative distribution function. :doc:`../cdfbvn` Computes lower tail of bivariate Normal cdf. :doc:`../cdfbvn2` Returns cdfbvn of a bounded rectangle. :doc:`../cdfbvn2e` Returns cdfbvn of a bounded rectangle and error estimates. :doc:`../cdfcauchy` Computes the cumulative distribution function for the Cauchy distribution. :doc:`../cdfcauchyinv` Computes the Cauchy inverse cumulative distribution function. :doc:`../cdfchic` Computes complement of cdf of :math:`\chi^2`. :doc:`../cdfchii` Computes :math:`\chi^2` abscissae values given probability and degrees of freedom. :doc:`../cdfchinc` Computes integral of noncentral :math:`\chi^2`. :doc:`../cdfempirical` Computes the cumulative distribution function for the empirical distribution. :doc:`../cdfexp` Computes the cumulative distribution function for the exponential distribution. :doc:`../cdfexpinv` Computes the exponential inverse cumulative distribution function. :doc:`../cdffc` Computes complement of cdf of F. :doc:`../cdffnc` Computes integral of noncentral F. :doc:`../cdffncinv` Computes the quantile or inverse of noncentral F cumulative distribution function. :doc:`../cdfgam` Computes integral of incomplete gamma function. :doc:`../cdfgenpareto` Computes the cumulative distribution function for the Generalized Pareto distribution. :doc:`../cdfhypergeo` Computes the cumulative distribution function of the hypergeometric distribution. :doc:`../cdflaplace` Computes the cumulative distribution function for the Laplace distribution. :doc:`../cdflaplaceinv` Computes the Laplace inverse cumulative distribution function. :doc:`../cdflognorm` Computes the cumulative distribution function of the log-normal distribution. :doc:`../cdfmvn` Computes multivariate Normal cdf. :doc:`../cdfmvnce` Computes the complement of the multivariate Normal cumulative distribution function with error management :doc:`../cdfmvne` Computes multivariate Normal cumulative distribution function with error management :doc:`../cdfmvn2e` Computes the multivariate Normal cumulative distribution function with error management over the range :math:`[a,b]` :doc:`../cdfmvtce` Computes complement of multivariate Student's t cumulative distribution function with error management :doc:`../cdfmvte` Computes multivariate Student's t cumulative distribution function with error management :doc:`../cdfmvt2e` Computes multivariate Student's t cumulative distribution function with error management over :math:`[a,b]` :doc:`../cdfncdfnc` Computes integral (or complement) of Normal distribution: lower tail, or cdf. :doc:`../cdfn2` Computes interval of Normal cdf. :doc:`../cdfnegbinomial` Computes the cumulative distribution function for the negative binomial distribution. :doc:`../cdfnegbinomialinv` Computes the quantile or inverse negative binomial cumulative distribution function. :doc:`../cdfni` Computes the inverse of the cdf of the Normal distribution. :doc:`../cdfpoisson` Computes the Poisson cumulative distribution function. :doc:`../cdfpoissoninv` Computes the quantile or inverse Poisson cumulative distribution function. :doc:`../cdfrayleigh` Computes the Rayleigh cumulative distribution function. :doc:`../cdfrayleighinv` Computes the Rayleigh inverse cumulative distribution function. :doc:`../cdftc` Computes complement of cdf of t-distribution. :doc:`../cdftci` Computes the inverse of the complement of the Student's t cdf. :doc:`../cdftnc` Computes integral of noncentral t-distribution. :doc:`../cdftvn` Computes lower tail of trivariate Normal cdf. :doc:`../cdftruncnorm` Computes the cumulative distribution function of the normal distibution over the interval from ``a`` to ``b``. :doc:`../cdfweibull` Computes the cumulative distribution function for the Weibull distribution. :doc:`../cdfweibullinv` Computes the Weibull inverse cumulative distribution function. :doc:`../erferfc` Computes the Gaussian error function, or its complement. :doc:`../erfcplxerfccplx` Computes the Gaussian error function for complex inputs or its complement. :doc:`../lncdfbvn` Computes natural log of bivariate Normal cdf. :doc:`../lncdfbvn2` Returns log of cdfbvn of a bounded rectangle. :doc:`../lncdfmvn` Computes natural log of multivariate Normal cdf. :doc:`../lncdfn` Computes natural log of Normal cdf. :doc:`../lncdfn2` Computes natural log of interval of Normal cdf. :doc:`../lncdfnc` Computes natural log of complement of Normal cdf. ============================ =========================================== Probability density and mass ------------------------------ ========================== =========================================== :doc:`../lnpdfmvn` Computes multivariate Normal log-probabilities. :doc:`../lnpdfmvt` Computes multivariate Student's t log-probabilities. :doc:`../lnpdfn` Computes Normal log-probabilities. :doc:`../lnpdft` Computes Student's t log-probabilities. :doc:`../pdfbinomial` Computes the probability mass function for the binomial distribution. :doc:`../pdfcauchy` Computes the probability density function for the Cauchy distribution. :doc:`../pdfexp` Computes the probability density function for the exponential distribution. :doc:`../pdfgenpareto` Computes the probability density function for the Generalized Pareto distribution. :doc:`../pdfhypergeo` Computes the probability mass function for the hypergeometric distribution. :doc:`../pdflaplace` Computes the probability density function for the Laplace distribution. :doc:`../pdflogistic` Computes the probability density function for the logistic distribution. :doc:`../pdflognorm` Computes the probability density function of the log-normal distribution. :doc:`../pdfn` Computes standard Normal probability density function. :doc:`../pdfpoisson` Computes the probability mass function for the Poisson distribution. :doc:`../pdfrayleigh` Computes the probability density function of the Rayleigh distribution. :doc:`../pdftruncnorm` Computes the cumulative distribution function of the normal distribution over the interval from ``a`` to ``b``. :doc:`../pdfweibull` Computes the probability density function of a Weibull random variable. :doc:`../pdfwishartinv` Computes the probability density function of a inverse Wishart distribution. ========================== =========================================== Random Numbers ---------------- ========================== =========================================== :doc:`../rndbernoulli` Computes random numbers with Bernoulli distribution. :doc:`../rndbeta` Computes random numbers with beta distribution. :doc:`../rndbinomial` Computes binomial pseudo-random numbers with the choice of underlying random number generator. :doc:`../rndcauchy` Computes Cauchy distributed random numbers with a choice of underlying random number generator. :doc:`../rndchisquare` Creates pseudo-random numbers with a chi-squared distribution, with an optional non-centrality parameter and a choice of underlying random number generator. :doc:`../rndcreatestate` Creates a new random number stream for a specified generator type from a seed value. :doc:`../rndexp` Computes exponentially distributed random numbers with a choice of underlying random number generator. :doc:`../rndgamma` Computes gamma pseudo-random numbers with a choice of underlying random number generator. :doc:`../rndgeo` Computes geometric pseudo-random numbers with a choice of underlying random number generator. :doc:`../rndgumbel` Computes Gumbel distributed random numbers with a choice of underlying random number generator. :doc:`../rndhypergeo` Computes pseudo-random numbers following a hypergeometric distribution with a choice of underlying random number generator. :doc:`../rndi` Returns random integers in a specified range. :doc:`../rndkmvm` Computes von Mises pseudo-random numbers. :doc:`../rndlaplace` Computes Laplacian pseudo-random numbers with the choice of underlying random number generator. :doc:`../rndlognorm` Computes lognormal pseudo-random numbers with the choice of underlying random number generator. :doc:`../rndmvn` Computes multivariate normal random numbers given a covariance matrix. :doc:`../rndmvt` Computes multivariate Student-t random numbers given a covariance matrix. :doc:`../rndn` Computes normally distributed pseudo-random numbers with a choice of underlying random number generator. :doc:`../rndnegbinomial` Computes negative binomial pseudo-random numbers with a choice of underlying random number generator. :doc:`../rndpoisson` Computes Poisson pseudo-random numbers with a choice of underlying random number generator. :doc:`../rndrayleigh` Computes Rayleigh pseudo-random numbers with the choice of underlying random number generator. :doc:`../rndseed` Changes seed of the random number generator. :doc:`../rndstateskip` Used to skip ahead in a random number sequence. :doc:`../rndu` Computes uniform random numbers with a choice of underlying random number generator. :doc:`../rndweibull` Computes Weibull pseudo-random numbers with the choice of underlying random number generator. :doc:`../rndwishart` Computes Wishart pseudo-random matrices with the choice of underlying random number generator. :doc:`../rndwishartinv` Computes inverse Wishart pseudo-random matrices with the choice of underlying random number generator. ========================== =========================================== Sampling --------------- ========================== =========================================== :doc:`../sampledata` Returns a sample of the rows of a dataframe or matrix, chosen with or without replacement ========================== ===========================================