String handling =========================== String manipulation and cleaning -------------------------------------------- ===================== ============================================================================== :doc:`../lower` Converts a string to lowercase. :doc:`../strcombine` Converts an NxM string array to an Nx1 string vector by combining each element in a column separated by a user-defined delimiter string. :doc:`../strindx` Finds starting location of one string in another string. :doc:`../strjoin` Converts an NxM string array to an Nx1 string vector by combining each element in a column separated by a user-defined delimiter string. :doc:`../strlen` Returns length of a string. :doc:`../strput` Lays a substring over a string. :doc:`../strreplace` Replace all matches of a substring with a replacement string. :doc:`../strindx` Finds starting location of one string in another string, searching from the start to the end of the string. :doc:`../strrindx` Finds starting location of one string in another string, searching from the end to the start of the string. :doc:`../strsect` Extracts a substring of a string. :doc:`../strsplit` Splits an Nx1 string vector into an NxK string array of the individual tokens. :doc:`../strsplitpad` Splits an Nx1 string vector into an NxK string array of the individual tokens. Pads on the right with null strings. :doc:`../strtofcplx` Converts a string array to a complex numeric matrix. :doc:`../strtrim` Strips all whitespace characters from the left and right side of each element in a string array. :doc:`../strtriml` Strips all whitespace characters from the left side of each element in a string array. :doc:`../strtrimr` Strips all whitespace characters from the right side of each element in a string array. :doc:`../strtrunc` Truncates all elements of a string array to not longer than the specified number of characters. :doc:`../strtruncl` Truncates the left side of all elements of a string array by a user-specified number of characters. :doc:`../strtruncpad` Truncates all elements of a string array to the specified number of characters, adding spaces on the end as needed to achieve the exact length. :doc:`../strtruncr` Truncates the right side of all elements of a string array by a user-specified number of characters. :doc:`../token` Extracts the leading token from a string. :doc:`../upper` Changes a string to uppercase. ===================== ============================================================================== String and numeric conversions -------------------------------------------- ================== ============================================================================== :doc:`../ftos` Converts a floating point scalar to a string. :doc:`../ftostrc` Converts a matrix to a string array using a C language format specification. :doc:`../itos` Converts numeric integers to their string representation. :doc:`../ntos` Converts a numeric matrix, or dataframe variable to a string array. :doc:`../stof` Converts a string to floating point numbers. :doc:`../strtof` Converts a string array to a numeric matrix. ================== ============================================================================== =================== ============================================================================== :doc:`../isstring` Returns a 1 if the input is a string or string array, otherwise 0. :doc:`../chrs` Converts ASCII values to a string. :doc:`../vals` Converts a string to ASCII values. =================== ==============================================================================