cdfRayleigh ============================================== Purpose ---------------- Computes the Rayleigh cumulative distribution function. Format ---------------- .. function:: p = cdfRayleigh(x, scale) :param x: Values at which to evaluate the cumulative distribution function for the Rayleigh distribution. :math:`x \geq 0`. :type x: NxK matrix, Nx1 vector or scalar :param scale: Scale parameter, ExE conformable with *x*. :math:`scale > 0`. :type scale: NxK matrix, Nx1 vector or scalar :return p: Each element in *p* is the cumulative distribution function of the Rayleigh distribution evaluated at the corresponding element in *x*. :rtype p: NxK matrix, Nx1 vector or scalar Examples ---------------- Here is an example show the Rayleigh cumulative distribution plot with different scale parameters. :: // Values x = seqa(0, 0.1, 100); // Scale scale = 0.5~1~2~3~4; // Call Rayleigh function p = cdfRayleigh(x, scale); plotxy(x, p); After running above code, .. figure:: _static/images/cdfRayleigh.png Remarks ------------ The Rayleigh cumulative distribution function is defined as .. math:: 1 − exp⁡(\frac{-x^2}{2\sigma^2}) .. seealso:: Functions :func:`cdfRayleighInv`, :func:`pdfRayleigh`