cdfTci ============================================== Purpose ---------------- Computes the inverse of the complement of the Student's t cdf. Format ---------------- .. function:: x = cdfTci(p, df) :param p: complementary Student's t probability levels, :math:`0 <= p <= 1`. :type p: NxK real matrix :param df: degrees of freedom, :math:`df > 1`, *df* need not be an integer. ExE conformable with *p*. :type df: LxM real matrix :return x: each value of *x* is the value such that the complement of the Student's t distribution is equal to the corresponding value of *p*. :code:`cdfTc(x, df) = p`. :rtype x: matrix, max(N,L) by max(K,M) real Examples ---------------- :: // Probabilities p = {0.1,0.25, 0.5,0.75,0.95}; // Degrees of freedom df = 3; x = cdfTci(p, df); After running above code, :: x = 1.6377 0.7649 0.0000 -0.7649 -2.3534 .. seealso:: cdfTc