Getting Started =============== The **Constrained Optimization MT** module contains a set of procedures for the solution of the optimization problem. **GAUSS** version 16+ is required to use these routines. The **Constrained Optimization MT 2.0** version number is stored in a global variable: .. list-table:: :widths: auto * - _comt_ver - 3x1 matrix the first element contains the major version number, the second element the minor version number, and the third element the revision number. If you `contact technical support `_, you may be asked for the version of your **Constrained Optimization MT** license. README Files ---------------- If there is a **README.comt** file, it contains any last-minute information on the **Constrained Optimization MT 2.0** procedures. Please read it before using them. Setup -------- In order to use the procedures in **Constrained Optimization MT** or **COMT** module, the **COMT** library must be active. This is done by including 'comt' in the library statement at the top of your program or command file: :: library comt; This enables **GAUSS** to find the **COMT** procedures.