dotfeqmt, dotfgemt, dotfgtmt, dotflemt, dotfltmt, dotfnemt =========================================================== Purpose ---------------- Fuzzy comparison functions. These functions use the *fcmptol* argument to fuzz the comparison operations to allow for roundoff error. Format ---------------- .. function:: y = dotfeqmt(a, b, fcmptol) y = dotfgemt(a, b, fcmptol) y = dotfgtme(a, b, fcmptol) y = dotflemt(a, b, fcmptol) y = dotfltmt(a, b, fcmptol) y = dotfnemt(a, b, fcmptol) :param a: first matrix. :type a: NxK matrix :param b: second matrix, ExE compatible with *a*. :type b: LxM matrix :param fcmptol: comparison tolerance. :type fcmptol: scalar :return y: matrix of 1's and 0's. :rtype y: max(N,L) by max(K,M) Examples ---------------- :: // Create x matrix x = rndu(2, 2); // Create y matrix y = x; y[1, 1] = y[1, 1] + 0.00000002; t = dotfgemt(x,y,1e-15); :: t = 0 1 x-y = -2e-8 0 1 1 0 0 Remarks ------- The return value is 1 if ``TRUE`` and 0 if ``FALSE``. The statement: :: y = dotfeqmt(a, b, 1e-13); is equivalent to: :: y = abs(a-b) .<= 1e-13; Source ------ fcomparemt.src .. seealso:: Functions :func:`feqmt`, :func:`fgemt`, :func:`flemt`, :func:`fltmt`, :func:`fnemt`