dtDayofYear ============================================== Purpose ---------------- Extracts the day of the year component from a date/time variable as a decimal number (1-366). Format ---------------- .. function:: doy = dtDayofYear(X [, column]) :param X: Data with metadata. :type X: TxK dataframe :param column: Optional, name or index of the date variable in *X* to get days of the year from. Default = first column. :type column: Scalar or string :return doy: The day of the year of the dates in the column specified by *column*. :rtype doy: Tx1 vector Examples ---------------- :: // Load data fname = getGAUSSHome("examples/yellowstone.csv"); data = loadd(fname); // Get day of the year for date column doy = dtDayofYear(data, "Date"); // Print first and last five dates head(data[., "Date"]); tail(data[., "Date"]); // Print corresponding years "Day of Year:" head(doy); tail(doy); The code above prints the following table: :: Date 2016/01/01 2015/01/01 2014/01/01 2013/01/01 2012/01/01 Date 1990/12/01 1989/12/01 1988/12/01 1987/12/01 1986/12/01 Day of Year: 1 1 1 1 1 335 335 336 335 335 .. seealso:: Functions :func:`dtDayofWeek`, :func:`dtDayofMonth`, :func:`dtYear`, :func:`dtMonth`, :func:`dtWeek`