getnrmt ============================================== Purpose ---------------- Computes number of rows to read per iteration for a program that reads data from a disk file in a loop. Format ---------------- .. function:: nr = getnrmt(nsets, ncols, row, rowfac, maxv) :param nsets: estimate of the maximum number of duplicate copies of the data matrix read by readr to be kept in memory during each iteration of the loop. :type nsets: scalar :param ncols: columns in the data file. :type ncols: scalar :param row: if row is greater than 0, *nr* will be set to *row*. :type row: scalar :param rowfac: *nr* will be reduced in size by this factor. If insufficient memory error is encountered, change this to a number less than one (e.g. 0.9). :type rowfac: scalar :param maxv: the largest number of elements allowed in any one matrix. :type maxv: scalar :return nr: number of rows :func:`readr` should read per iteration of the read loop. :rtype nr: scalar Source ------ gaussmt.src