hsec ============================================== Purpose ---------------- Returns the number of hundredths of a second since midnight. Format ---------------- .. function:: y = hsec :return y: hundredths of a second since midnight. :rtype y: scalar Examples ---------------- :: // Define random x matrix x = rndu(1000, 1000); // Starting time tStart = hsec; // Multiply x*x y = x*x; // Calculate time elapsed tTotal = hsec-tStart; In this example, :func:`hsec` is used to time a 1000x1000 multiplication in GAUSS. A 1000x1000 matrix, *x*, is created, and the current time, in hundredths of a second since midnight, is stored in the variable *tStart*. Then the multiplication is carried out. Finally, *tStart* is subtracted from :func:`hsec` to give the time difference which is assigned to *tTotal*. Remarks ------- The number of hundredths of a second since midnight can also be accessed as the :math:`[4,1]` element of the vector returned by the :func:`date` function. .. seealso:: Functions :func:`date`, :func:`time`, :func:`timestr`, :func:`ethsec`, :func:`etstr`