keyw ============================================== Purpose ---------------- Waits for and gets a key. Format ---------------- .. function:: k = keyw :return k: ASCII value of the key pressed. :rtype k: scalar Remarks ------- If you are working in terminal mode, GAUSS will not see any input until you press the :kbd:`ENTER` key. :func:`keyw` gets the next key from the keyboard buffer. If the keyboard buffer is empty, :func:`keyw` waits for a keystroke. For normal keys, :func:`keyw` returns the ASCII value of the key. Here are the values returned if the key pressed is not a standard ASCII character in the range of 1-255: =========== ================================ Value Key Sequence =========== ================================ 1015 :kbd:`Shift+Tab` 1016-1025 :kbd:`Alt+Q, W, E, R, T, Y, U, I, O, P` 1030-1038 :kbd:`Alt+A, S, D, F, G, H, J, K, L` 1044-1050 :kbd:`Alt+Z, X, C, V, B, N, M` 1059-1068 :kbd:`F1-F10` 1071 :kbd:`HOME` 1072 :kbd:`CURSOR UP` 1073 :kbd:`PAGE UP` 1075 :kbd:`CURSOR LEFT` 1077 :kbd:`CURSOR RIGHT` 1079 :kbd:`END` 1080 :kbd:`CURSOR DOWN` 1081 :kbd:`PAGE DOWN` 1082 :kbd:`INSERT` 1083 :kbd:`DELETE` 1084-1093 :kbd:`Shift+F1-F10` 1094-1103 :kbd:`Ctrl+F1-F10` 1104-1113 :kbd:`Alt+F1-F10` 1114 :kbd:`Ctrl+PRINT SCREEN` 1115 :kbd:`Ctrl+CURSOR LEFT` 1116 :kbd:`Ctrl+CURSOR RIGHT` 1117 :kbd:`Ctrl+END` 1118 :kbd:`Ctrl+PAGE DOWN` 1119 :kbd:`Ctrl+HOME` 1120-1131 :kbd:`Alt+1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, -, =` 1132 :kbd:`Ctrl+PAGE UP` =========== ================================ .. seealso:: Functions :func:`key`, :func:`vals`, :func:`chrs`, :func:`upper`, :func:`lower`, :func:`con`, :func:`cons`