Maximum Likelihood MT (maxlikmt) ================================== A maximum likelihood package for **GAUSS**. Description ---------------- MaxlikMT provides a suite of flexible, efficient and trusted tools for the solution of the maximum likelihood problem with bounds on the parameters. Installation -------------- Please `contact us `_ with to request pricing and installation information. If you already own **maxlikMT**, you can use the `GAUSS Package Manager `_ to install maxlikMT as well. Requires GAUSS/GAUSS Light version 17 or higher. Key Features ------------------------------ Statistical Inference +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ **maxlikmt** provides methods for statistical inference of weighted or unweighted, bounded or unbounded maximum likelihood models. * Inverted Hessian covariance matrix * Heteroskedastic-consistent covariance matrix * Wald confidence limits * Likelihood ratio statistics * Bootstrap * Likelihood profile and Profile ‘t’ traces Descent methods +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * BFGS (Broyden, Fletcher, Goldfarb and Powell) * BHHH (Berndt, Hall, Hall, and Hausman) * DFP (Davidon, Fletcher and Powell) * Newton Line search methods +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * STEPBT * Brent’s method * Half * Strong Wolfe’s conditions Advantages -------------------------------- Flexible +++++++++++++++++ * Bounded parameters. * Specify fixed and free parameters. * Dynamic algorithm switching. * Compute all, a subset, or none of the derivatives numerically. * Easily pass data other than the model parameters as extra input arguments. New! * Methods to simply create matrices needed for log-likelihood computation from subsets of the parameters. Efficient +++++++++++++++ * Threaded and thread-safe. * Option to avoid computations that are the same for the log-likelihood function and derivatives. * The tremendous speed of user-defined procedures in **GAUSS** speeds up your estimation. Trusted +++++++++++ For more than 30 years, leading researchers have trusted the efficient and numerically sound code in the **GAUSS** maximum likelihood estimation tools to keep them at the forefront of their fields. Available Optimization Controls -------------------------------- Optimization controls are set to default values that few users ever need to change. However, **maxlikmt** is fully customizable and the flexible optimization options can be a great help when tackling more difficult problems. Control Options +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. list-table:: :widths: auto * - Parameter bounds - Simple parameter bounds of the type: lower_bd ≤ x_i ≤ upper_bd. * - Descent algorithms - BFGS, DFP, Newton, and BHHH. * - Algorithm switching - Specify descent algorithms to switch between based upon the number of elapsed iterations, a minimum change in the objective function, or line search step size. * - Weights - Observation weights. * - Covariance matrix type - Compute a ML covariance matrix, a QML covariance matrix, or none. * - Alpha - Probability level for statistical tests. * - Line search method - STEPBT (quadratic and cubic curve fit), Brent’s method, BHHHStep, half-step or Strong Wolfe’s Conditions. * - Active parameters - Control which parameters are active (to be estimated) and which should be fixed to their start value. * - Gradient Method - Either compute an analytical gradient, or have **maxlikmt** compute a numerical gradient using the forward, central, or backwards difference method. * - Hessian Method - Either compute an analytical Hessian, or have **maxlikmt** compute a numerical Hessian using the forward, central, or backwards difference method. * - Gradient check - Compares the analytical gradient computed by the user-supplied function with the numerical gradient to check the analytical gradient for correctness. * - Random seed - Starting seed value used by the random line search method to allow for repeatable code. * - Print output - Controls whether (or how often) iteration output is printed and whether a final report is printed. * - Gradient step - Advanced feature: Controls the increment size for computing the step size for numerical first and second derivatives. * - Random search radius - The radius of the random search if attempted. * - Maximum iterations - Maximum iterations to converge. * - Maximum elapsed time - Maximum number of minutes to converge. * - Maximum random search attempts - Maximum allowed number of random line search attempts. * - Convergence tolerance - Convergence is achieved when the direction vector changes less than this amount. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: :caption: Maximum Likelihood Documents user-guide command-reference mlmt-examples