pdfTruncNorm ============================================== Purpose ---------------- Computes the probability distribution function of the normal distribution over the interval from *a* to *b*. Format ---------------- .. function:: p = pdfTruncNorm(x, a, b, mu_bar, sigma_bar) :param x: NxK matrix, or N-dimensional array. :type x: scalar :param a: lower limit of the integration window. :type a: scalar :param b: lower limit of the integration window. :type b: scalar :param mu_bar: mean parameter. :type mu_bar: scalar :param sigma_bar: standard deviation parameter. :type sigma_bar: scalar :return p: the probability density over the interval from *a* to *b*. :rtype p: NxK matrix, N-dimensional array or scalar Examples ---------------- :: x = 0.5; a = -1; b = 1; mu = 0; s = 1; // Compute the PDF at x = 0.5 // over the closed region [-1, 1] p = pdfTruncNorm(x, a, b, mu, s); After the above code, *p* equals: :: 0.51570345 .. seealso:: Functions :func:`pdfn`, :func:`cdfTruncNorm`, :func:`cdfLogNorm`