plotPACF ============================================== Purpose ---------------- Plot the partial autocorrelations function (PACF). Format ---------------- .. function:: plotPACF( [myPlot, ]x, k, d) :param myPlot: Optional argument, a :class:`plotControl` structure :type myPlot: struct :param x: data. :type x: Nx1 vector :param k: maximum number of autocorrelations to compute. :type k: scalar :param d: order of differencing. :type d: scalar Examples ---------------- :: // Clear out variables in GAUSS workspace new; // Create file name with full path file = getGAUSSHome("examples/beef_prices.csv"); // Import dataset starting with row 2 and column 2 x = csvReadM(file, 2, 2); // Max lags k = 20; // Order of differencing d = 1; // PACF plot struct plotControl mp; mp = plotGetDefaults("bar"); plotSetTitle(&mp, "beef_prices", "Arial", 20); plotPACF(mp, x, k, d); The plot is .. figure:: _static/images/plot-pacf-1.png :scale: 50 % Remarks ------- To control the color and texture of the bars: * If you are passing a :class:`plotControl` structure to :func:`plotPACF`, you may use the function :func:`plotGetDefaults` and :func:`plotSetBar`. * If you are not passing a :class:`plotControl` structure, these properties are set in the Preferences. To access the Graphics Preferences, select :menuselection:`Tools --> Preferences` from the GAUSS main menu. Select ''Graphics'' on the left side of the preferences and then select ''Bar'' from the list of graph types. .. seealso:: Functions :func:`plotACF`, :func:`ACF`, :func:`PACF`