plotSetLegendTitle ============================================== Purpose ---------------- Controls the legend title. Format ---------------- .. function:: plotSetLegendTitle(&myPlot, title) :param &myPlot: A :class:`plotControl` structure pointer :type &myPlot: struct pointer :param title: Title to be displayed in the legend. :type title: string Examples ---------------- .. figure:: _static/images/plotsetlegendtitle-cr.jpg :scale: 50 % :: new; // Declare plotControl structure struct plotControl myPlot; // Initialize plotControl structure myPlot = plotGetDefaults("scatter"); // Set labels, location, and orientation of legend label = "A"$|"B"; plotSetLegend(&myPlot, label); // Set font of legend plotSetLegendTitle(&myPlot, "Samples"); // Create data x = rndn(30, 2); y = rndn(30, 2); // Plot the data with the legend settings plotScatter(myplot, x, y); .. seealso:: Functions :func:`plotSetLegend`, :func:`plotSetLegendBkd`, :func:`plotSetLegendFont`