plotSetYTicInterval ============================================== Purpose ---------------- Controls the interval between y-axis tick labels and also allows the user to specify the first tick to be labeled. Format ---------------- .. function:: plotSetYTicInterval(&myPlot, ticInterval[, firstLabeled]) :param &myPlot: A :class:`plotControl` structure pointer. :type &myPlot: struct pointer :param ticInterval: the distance between y-axis tick labels. :type ticInterval: scalar :param firstLabeled: Optional input, the value of the first Y-value on which to place a tick label. :type firstLabeled: scalar Examples ---------------- XY plot +++++++ :: // Create the sequence 0.25, 0.5, 0.75...3 x = seqa(0.25, 0.25, 12); y = sin(x); // Declare plotControl structure // and fill with default settings for XY plots struct plotControl myPlot; myPlot = plotGetDefaults("xy"); // Place the first Y-tick label at 0.5 // and place additional ticks every 0.25 after plotSetYTicInterval(&myPlot, 0.25, 0.5); // Draw plot with applied Y-tick settings plotXY(myPlot, x, y); .. figure:: _static/images/psyti1.png :scale: 50 % Remarks ------- * :func:`plotSetYTicInterval` is supported for use with all plot types except for PQG graphics and :func:`plotSurface`. .. include:: include/plotattrremark.rst .. seealso:: Functions :func:`plotSetYLabel`, :func:`plotSetYTicLabel`, :func:`plotSetXTicInterval`, :func:`plotSetTicLabelFont`