plotSetZPen ============================================== Purpose ---------------- Sets the thickness, color, and style for the Z-Axis line. Format ---------------- .. function:: plotSetZPen(&myPlot, thickness[, clr[, style]]) :param &myPlot: A :class:`plotControl` structure pointer. :type &myPlot: struct pointer :param thickness: the thickness of the axis line in pixels. :type thickness: Scalar :param clr: Optional argument, name or rgb value of the new color for the axes. :type clr: string :param style: the style of the pen. Options include: .. include:: include/plotpenstyletable.rst :type style: Scalar Examples ---------------- :: // Declare plotControl structure struct plotControl myPlot; // Initialize plotControl structure myPlot = plotGetDefaults("xy"); // Set axis to be 3 pixels wide and black plotSetZPen(&myPlot, 3, "black"); // Create data y = seqa(0.1, 0.1, 50); x = y'; z = sin(x)+sin(y); // Plot the data plotSurface(myPlot, x, y, z); Remarks ------- .. include:: include/plotattrremark.rst .. seealso:: Functions :func:`plotGetDefaults`, :func:`plotSetLineStyle`, :func:`plotSetAxesPen`, :func:`plotSetXPen`, :func:`plotSetXPen`