qrsol ============================================== Purpose ---------------- Computes the solution of :math:`Rx = b` where :math:`R` is an upper triangular matrix. Format ---------------- .. function:: x = qrsol(b, R) :param b: data :type b: PxL matrix :param R: upper triangular matrix :type R: PxP matrix :return x: solution of :math:`Rx = b` where :math:`R` is an upper triangular matrix. :rtype x: PxL matrix Remarks ------- :func:`qrsol` applies a backsolve to :math:`Rx = b` to solve for *x*. Generally *R* will be the *R* matrix from a QR factorization. :func:`qrsol` may be used, however, in any situation where *R* is upper triangular. Source ------ qrsol.src .. seealso:: Functions :func:`qqr`, :func:`qr`, :func:`qtyr`, :func:`qrtsol`