ssgetBIC ============================================== Purpose ---------------- Computes the Schwarz’s Bayesian information criterion from loglikelihood. Format ---------------- .. function:: bic = ssgetBIC(loglikelihood, df, numObs) :param loglikelihood: Loglikelihood value. :type loglikelihood: Scalar :param df: Degrees of freedom. :type df: Scalar :param numObs: Number of observations. :type numObs: Scalar :return bic: Computed Schwarz’ Bayesian information criterion. :rtype bic: Scalar Examples ---------------- :: // Loglikelihood value ll = -38.3; // Degrees of freedom df_model = 2; // Number of observations numObs = 150; // Compute AIC bic = ssgetBIC(ll, df_model, numObs); The code above results in the following: :: bic = 86.62 Source ------ ssmain.src .. seealso:: Functions :func:`ssgetAICC`, :func:`ssgetAIC`, :func:`ssgetHQIC`