strtruncr ============================================== Purpose ---------------- Truncates the right side of all elements of a string array by a user-specified number of characters. Format ---------------- .. function:: y = strtruncr(sa, ntrunc) :param sa: data :type sa: NxM or Nx1, 1xM, or 1x1 string array. :param ntrunc: the number of characters to strip. :type ntrunc: NxM or Nx1, 1xM, or 1x1 matrix :return y: contains contents of *sa* with the *ntrunc* characters stripped from the right side. :rtype y: string array Source ------ strfns.src .. seealso:: Functions :func:`strtriml`, :func:`strtrimr`, :func:`strtrunc`, :func:`strtruncl`, :func:`strtruncpad`