igarchFit ========= Purpose ------- Estimates integrated GARCH model, i.e., a model containing a unit root. Format ------ .. function:: out1 = igarchFit(y, p[, c0]) out1 = igarchFit(y, p[, q, c0]) out1 = igarchFit(dataset, formula, p[, c0]) out1 = igarchFit(dataset, formula, p[, q, c0]) :param y: dependent variables. :type y: Matrix :param x: independent variables. :type x: Matrix :param dataset: name of data set or null string. :type dataset: string :param formula: formula string of the model. E.g. "y ~ X1 + X2" 'y' is the name of dependent variable, 'X1' and 'X2' are names of independent variables; E.g. "y ~ ." , '.' means including all variables except dependent variable 'y'; :type formula: string :param p: order of the GARCH parameters. :type p: scalar :param q: Optional input, order of the ARCH parameters. :type q: scalar :param c0: Optional input, garchControl structure. .. list-table:: :widths: auto * - c0.density - scalar, density of error term: 0 - Normal 1 - Student's t 3 - skew generalized t. * - c0.asymmetry - scalar, if nonzero assymetry terms are added. * - c0.inmean - scalar, GARCH-in-mean, square root of conditional variance is included in the mean equation. * - c0.stConstraintsType - scalar, type of enforcement of stationarity requirements: 1 - roots of characteristic polynomial constrained outside unit circle 2 - arch, GARCH parameters constrained to sum to less than one and greater than zero 3 - none. * - c0.cvConstraintsType - scalar, type of enforcement of nonnegative conditional variances: 0 - direct constraints 1 - Nelson & Cao constraints. * - c0.covType - scalar, type of covariance matrix of parameters: 1 - ML 2 - QML 3 - none. :type c0: struct :return out1: :class:`garchEstimation` structure. .. list-table:: :widths: auto * - out1.aic - scalar, Akiake criterion. * - out1.bic - scalar, Bayesian information criterion. * - out1.lrs - scalar, likelihood ratio statistic. * - out1.numObs - scalar, number of observations. * - out1.df - scalar, degrees of freedom. * - out1.par - instance of PV structure containing parameter estimates. * - out1.retcode - scalar, return code. out1.moment KxK matrix, moment m?atrix of parameter estimates. :1: normal convergence. :2: forced exit. :3: function calculation failed. :4: gradient calculation failed. :5: Hessian calculation failed. :6: line search failed. :7: error with constraints. :8: function complex. * - out1.moment - KxK matrix, moment matrix of parameter estimates. * - out1.climits - Kx2 matrix, confidence limits. :rtype out1: struct Example ------- :: new; cls; library tsmt; y = loadd( getGAUSSHome() $+ "pkgs/tsmt/examples/igarch.dat"); struct garchEstimation f0; f0 = igarchFit(y, 1, 1); Library ------- tsmt Source ------ tsgarch.src