ips === Purpose ------- Panel series unit root testing. This test uses the sample mean of the t-statistics across all individual series within a panel of time series variables. Format ------ .. function:: { zstat, pcrit } = ips( y, trend, demean, lags [, printOut] ) :param y: panel data. :type y: TxM matrix :param trend: Indicator variable for including trend. 0 = no trend, 1 = trend. :type trend: scalar :param demean: Indicator variable for demeaning variable. 0 = no demeaning, 1 = demean data. :type demean: scalar :param lags: Number of lags to include in the test. :type lags: scalar :param printOut: Optional argument, indicator variable for printing results. 0 = no printing, 1 = print. :type printOut: scalar :return zstat: IPS test statistic. :rtype zstat: scalar :return pcrit: Critical values for unit root test at the 1%, 2.5%, 5%, and 10% significance level. :rtype pcrit: vector Example ------- :: new; cls; library tsmt; // First load data data = loadd( getGAUSSHome() $+ "pkgs/tsmt/examples/panel_g.csv"); // Take log of data log_yt = log(yt[., 2:9]); // Input the lags used in Enders, Table 4.8 lags = { 5, 6, 3, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3 }; // No demeaning demean = 0; // Include trend trend = 1; // Run IPS test without a trend and without demeaning print "The IPS test statistic using unmeaned data:"; { z_1, p_crit1 } = ips(log_yt, trend, demean, lags); The results are printed to screen: :: The IPS test statistic using unmeaned data: ips: ADF tests uses individual lag specification for each series Individual t-stats: -2.07 -2.04 -2.94 -3.06 -1.75 -1.95 -2.94 -2.57 Average t-stat: -2.41 The adjusted z-stat is: -2.92 The critical values are: -2.51 -2.61 -2.72 Library ------- tsmt Source ------ ips.src .. seealso:: Functions :func:`breitung`