sbreak ====== Purpose ------- Estimates the m-break structural break model. Format ------ .. function:: out = sbreak(yt, xt, zt, sbc0) :param yt: dependent data. :type yt: Matrix :param xt: time invariant independent variables. :type xt: Matrix :param zt: time variant independent variables. :type zt: Matrix :param sbc0: Instance of :class:`sbControl` structure containing the following elements: .. list-table:: :widths: auto * - q - Scalar, number of regressors subject to change. * - p - Scalar, number of time invariant regressors in x. * - m - Scalar, maximum number of structural changes. * - trim - Scalar, trimming value (as a decimal). * - h - Scalar, minimal length of segment (h > p + q) * - initialBeta - Matrix, if initialBeta == {} call function to set initial values * - maxIters - maximum number of iterations * - printOutput - Indicator to print iteration outputs * - eps - Scalar, convergence criterion :type sbc0: struct :return out: Instance of the :class:`sbOut` structure containing the following elements: .. list-table:: :widths: auto * - breakDate - Matrix, MxM of date breaks estimated for possible number of breaks less than or equal to m. * - breakSSR - MxM, vector of ssr associated with all number of breaks less than or equal to m. :rtype out: struct Examples -------- :: new; cls; library tsmt; // DATA INPUT // Load y data y = loadd( getGAUSSHome() $+ "pkgs/tsmt/examples/real_intrate.dat", "." ); // Specify regressors // Time varying coe ficients in z z = ones( rows(y), 1 ); // No time invariant regressors x = 0; // Declare sbControl structure struct sbControl sbc0; // Initialize instance of structure sbc0 = sbControlCreate( ); // Set individual model parameters sbc0.q = 1; sbc0.m = 5; sbc0.trim = 0.15; sbc0.h = 0; sbc0.printOutput = 1; sbc0.initialBeta = 0.5; sbc0.maxIters = 40; // Turn on graphing capability sbc0.graphOn = 1; sbc0.dtstart = dtdate( 1961, 01, 01, 0, 00, 00 ); sbc0.frequency = 4; struct sbOut sbcOut; sbcOut = sbreak( y, z, x, sbc0 ); References ---------- Bai, J and Perron, P. (2003) Computation and analysis of multiple structural change models, Journal of Applied Econometrics,18(1),1-22. Library ------- tsmt Source ------ sb.src