coint_maki ============================================== Purpose ---------------- Computes the test of the null hypothesis of no cointegration against the alternative of cointegration with an unknown number of breaks. Format ---------------- .. function:: tst = coint_maki(y, m, model[, trimm, lagoption]) :noindexentry: :param y: Data to be tested. :type y: Nxk matrix :param m: Maximum number of breaks. :type m: Scalar :param model: Model to be implemented. =========== ========================= 0 Level shift 1 Level shift with trend 2 Regime shift 3 Regime shift with trend =========== ========================= :type model: Scalar :param trimm: Optional, trimming rate. Default = 0.10. :type trimm: Scalar :param lagoption: Optional, lag selection criteria. Default = 1. =========== ================== 0 No lags 1 T-stat criterion =========== ================== :type lagoption: Scalar. :return tst: Test statistic :rtype tst: Scalar Examples -------- :: /* ** This example program tests for cointegration ** with alternatives hypothesis up to m structural breaks */ library tspdlib; // Load dataset data = loadd(getGAUSSHome() $+ "pkgs/tspdlib/examples/ts_coint.csv", ". + date($Date, '%b-%y')"); // Set the maximum number of breaks m = 3; /* ** Set the model ** 0: level shift ** 1: level shift with trend ** 2: regime shifts ** 3: Trend and Regime shifts */ model = 2; // Perform test call coint_maki(datap, m, model); Source ------ coint_maki.src .. seealso:: Functions :func:`coint_egranger`, :func:`coint_ghansen`, :func:`coint_hatemij`