jwl_panicadj ============================================== Purpose ---------------- Computes the Ze and Ze+ tests in Westerlund & Larsson (2009) using panel analysis of idiosyncratic and common components (PANIC) test of nonstationarity. Format ---------------- .. function:: { Ze, Ze_ba } = JWL_PANICadj(y, model[, pmax, ic_lags, kmax, ic_factors]) :noindexentry: :param y: Panel data to be tested. :type y: TxN matrix :param model: Model to be implemented. =========== ==================== 1 Constant. 2 Constant and trend. =========== ==================== :type model: Scalar :param pmax: Optional, the maximum number of lags for :math:`\Delta y`. Default = 8. :type pmax: Scalar :param ic_lags: Optional, the information criterion used for choosing lags. Default = 3. =========== ==================== 1 Akaike. 2 Schwarz. 3 t-stat significance. =========== ==================== :type ic_lags: Scalar :param kmax: Maximum number of factors (upper bound is 5). Default = 5. :type kmax: Scalar :param ic_factors: Information Criterion for optimal number of factors. Default = 1. =========== ============== 1 PCp criterion. 2 ICp criterion. =========== ============== :type ic_factors: Scalar :return Ze: Ze statistic based on principal components with N(0,1). :rtype Ze: Scalar :return Ze_ba: Bias-adjusted Ze statistic based on principal components with N(0,1). :rtype Ze_ba: Scalar Examples --------- :: library tspdlib; // Load date file y = loadd(__FILE_DIR $+ "PDe.dat"); // Model with constant model = 1; { Ze, Ze_ba } = JWL_PANICadj(y, model); Source ------ pd_panic.src .. seealso:: Functions :func:`bng_panic`, :func:`jwr_panicca`, :func:`bng_panicnew`