pd_getcderror ============================================== Purpose ---------------- Computes error cross-section dependecy tests. Format ---------------- .. function:: { LMbp, LM_adj, CDlm, CDlm_adj, CD } = pd_getcderror(y, x, N) :noindexentry: :param y: Long format dependent panel data. :type y: TNx1 vector :param x: Long format independent panel data. :type x: TNx1 vector :param N: Number of cross-sections. :type N: Scalar :return LMbp: LM test of Breusch and Pagan (1980). :rtype LMbp: Dataframe :return LM_adj: Bias corrected LM test of Pesaran et al. (2008). :rtype LM_adj: Dataframe :return CDlm: CDlm test of Pesaran (2004, 2020). :rtype CDlm: Dataframe :return CDlm_adj: Bias corrected CDlm test of Baltagi, Feng, Kao (2012). :rtype CDlm_adj: Dataframe :return CD: CD test of Pesaran (2004, 2020). :rtype CD: Dataframe Examples -------- :: library tspdlib_dv; // Number of cross-sections N = 9; // Load data data = loadd(getGAUSSHome() $+ "pkgs/tspdlib/examples/pdcause.dat"); // Call test { LMbp, LMadj , CDlm, CDlmadj, CD } = pd_getCDError(data[., "Y"], data[. , "X"], N); Source ------ pd_cdtests.src