unionsa ============================================== Purpose ---------------- Returns the union of two string vectors with duplicates removed. Format ---------------- .. function:: y = unionsa(sv1, sv2) :param sv1: data :type sv1: Nx1 or 1xN string vector :param sv2: data :type sv2: Mx1 or 1xM string vector :return y: contains all unique values that are in *sv1* and *sv2*, sorted in ascending order. :rtype y: Lx1 vector Examples ---------------- :: // Strings for union string sv1 = { "mary", "jane", "linda", "john" }; string sv2 = { "mary", "sally" }; // Find union of sv1 and sv2 y = unionsa(sv1, sv2); print y; The above code produces the following output: :: jane john linda mary sally Source ------ unionsa.src .. seealso:: Functions :func:`union`