warninglog ============================================== Purpose ---------------- Prints a warning message to the error window and error log file. The only difference between this and :func:`errorlog` is that it will display a warning icon in the error output window. Format ---------------- .. function:: warninglog str :param str: the warning message to print. :type str: string Remarks ------- This command enables you to do your own warning handling in your GAUSS programs. To print a warning message to the error window and error log file along with file name and line number information, use :func:`warninglogat`. Example -------- Check to see if *x* is less than zero, if so create an warning message and end the program. :: x = -4; if x < 0; warninglog "Warning X is less than 0"; end; endif; .. seealso:: Functions :func:`warninglogat`, :func:`errorlog`, :func:`errorlogat`