*************************************** API documentation and generated content *************************************** .. contents:: Table of Contents :mod:`test_py_module` ===================== .. automodule:: test_py_module.test :members: :private-members: :special-members: C++ API ======= .. cpp:type:: MyType Some type .. cpp:function:: const MyType Foo(const MyType bar) Some function type thing .. cpp:class:: template std::array Some cpp class .. cpp:member:: float Sphinx::version The description of Sphinx::version. .. cpp:var:: int version The description of version. .. cpp:type:: std::vector List The description of List type. .. cpp:enum:: MyEnum An unscoped enum. .. cpp:enumerator:: A .. cpp:enum-class:: MyScopedEnum A scoped enum. .. cpp:enumerator:: B .. cpp:enum-struct:: protected MyScopedVisibilityEnum : std::underlying_type::type A scoped enum with non-default visibility, and with a specified underlying type. .. cpp:enumerator:: B JavaScript API ============== .. Copied from sphinx-doc/sphinx/tests/roots .. js:module:: module_a.submodule * Link to :js:class:`ModTopLevel` .. js:class:: ModTopLevel * Link to :js:meth:`mod_child_1` * Link to :js:meth:`ModTopLevel.mod_child_1` .. js:method:: ModTopLevel.mod_child_1 * Link to :js:meth:`mod_child_2` .. js:method:: ModTopLevel.mod_child_2 * Link to :js:meth:`module_a.submodule.ModTopLevel.mod_child_1` .. js:module:: module_b.submodule * Link to :js:class:`ModTopLevel` .. js:class:: ModNested .. js:method:: nested_child_1 * Link to :js:meth:`nested_child_2` .. js:method:: nested_child_2 * Link to :js:meth:`nested_child_1` Generated Index =============== Part of the sphinx build process in generate and index file: :ref:`genindex`. Optional parameter args ======================= At this point optional parameters `cannot be generated from code`_. However, some projects will manually do it, like so: This example comes from `django-payments module docs`_. .. class:: payments.dotpay.DotpayProvider(seller_id, pin[, channel=0[, lock=False], lang='pl']) This backend implements payments using a popular Polish gateway, `Dotpay.pl `_. Due to API limitations there is no support for transferring purchased items. :param seller_id: Seller ID assigned by Dotpay :param pin: PIN assigned by Dotpay :param channel: Default payment channel (consult reference guide) :param lang: UI language :param lock: Whether to disable channels other than the default selected above .. _cannot be generated from code: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/sphinx-users/_qfsVT5Vxpw .. _django-payments module docs: http://django-payments.readthedocs.org/en/latest/modules.html#payments.authorizenet.AuthorizeNetProvide Data ==== .. data:: Data_item_1 Data_item_2 Data_item_3 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce congue elit eu hendrerit mattis. Some data link :data:`Data_item_1`.