Applications =================== Applications are downloadable libraries that extend the functionality of **GAUSS** with additional procedures and examples. .. card:: AD (Algorithmic Derivatives) :link: ad/index :link-type: doc :shadow: none An application program for generating GAUSS procedures for computing algorithmic derivatives. .. card:: BET (Bayesian Estimation Tools) :link: bet/index :link-type: doc :shadow: none Provides tools for Bayesian estimation in GAUSS. .. card:: CMLMT (Constrained Maximum Likelihood MT) :link: cmlmt/index :link-type: doc :shadow: none Provides tools for constrained maximum likelihood in GAUSS. .. card:: COMT (Constrained Optimization MT) :link: comt/index :link-type: doc :shadow: none Provides tools for constrained optimization in GAUSS. .. card:: CF (CurveFit) :link: cf/index :link-type: doc :shadow: none Provides tools to find the best fit of the data to the function in the least squares sense. .. card:: DSMT (Descriptive statistics MT) :link: ds/index :link-type: doc :shadow: none Provides basic statistics for the variables in GAUSS data sets. .. card:: DC (Discrete Choice) :link: dc/index :link-type: doc :shadow: none Provides basic statistics for the variables in GAUSS data sets. .. card:: FP (Financial Analysis Application MT) :link: fanpac/index :link-type: doc :shadow: none Provides econometric tools commonly implemented for estimation and analysis of financial data. .. card:: GML (GAUSS Machine Learning) :link: gml-landing :link-type: doc :shadow: none Provides tools to model, analyze, and predict data using fundamental machine learning techniques. .. card:: LLMT (Loglinear Analysis MT) :link: llmt/index :link-type: doc :shadow: none Provides tools for the analysis of categorical data using loglinear analysis. .. card:: LPMT (Linear Programming MT) :link: lpmt/index :link-type: doc :shadow: none Provides tools to solve small and large scale linear programming problems in GAUSS. .. card:: LRMT (Linear Regression MT) :link: lrmt/index :link-type: doc :shadow: none Provides tools for estimating single equations or a simultaneous system of equations in GAUSS. .. card:: MAXLIKMT (Maximum Likelihood MT) :link: mlmt/index :link-type: doc :shadow: none Provides tools for maximum likelihood estimation in GAUSS. .. card:: OPTMT (Optimization MT) :link: optmt/index :link-type: doc :shadow: none Provides tools for optimization in GAUSS. .. card:: SSLIB (State-Space Modeling) :link: sslib/overview :link-type: doc :shadow: none Tools for estimating and evaluating time invariant state space models. .. card:: TSMT (Time Series MT) :link: tsmt/index :link-type: doc :shadow: none Provides tools for comprehensive treatment of time series models, including model diagnostics, MLE and state-space estimation, and forecasts. Time Series MT also includes tools for managing panel series data and estimating and diagnosing panel series models, including random effects and fixed effects. .. card:: TSPDLIB (Time Series Panel Data) :link: tspdlib/docs/tspdlib-landing :link-type: doc :shadow: none Provides tools for unit root, cointegration, and causality testing in time series and panel data. It includes extensive coverage of testing in the presence of structural breaks. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: ad/index bet/index cmlmt/index comt/index cf/index ds/index dc/index fanpac/index gml-landing llmt/index lpmt/index lrmt/index mlmt/index optmt/index sslib/overview tsmt/index tspdlib/docs/tspdlib-landing