Data types ================== Dataframes -------------- General ++++++++++++++++ ========================= ========================================================================== :doc:`../asdf` Converts a matrix or string array to a dataframe, and optionally sets the column names. :doc:`../asmatrix` Converts a dataframe to a matrix. :doc:`../dfappend` Vertically conacatenates (or stacks) two dataframes. :doc:`../dfname` Sets the variable names of the columns of a dataframe. :doc:`../dftype` Sets the types (numeric, categorical, date or string) of a dataframe. :doc:`../getcolnames` Returns the names of the columns (or variables) in a GAUSS dataframe. :doc:`../getcoltypes` Returns the types for the columns (or variables) in a GAUSS dataframe. :doc:`../hasmetadata` Checks to see if a symbol is a dataframe. :doc:`../setcolmetadata` Sets the variable names and types for the columns of a dataframe. :doc:`../setcolnames` Sets the variable names the columns of a dataframe. ========================= ========================================================================== Date variables ++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================ ========================================================================== :doc:`../asdate` Converts vectors in Posix time or string dates to a GAUSS date variable and optionally sets the date display format. :doc:`../dtdayname` Extracts the day from a date/time variable as a string name. :doc:`../dtdayofmonth` Extracts the day of the month from a date/time variable as a decimal number (1-31). :doc:`../dtdayofweek` Extracts the day of the week from a date/time variable as a decimal number. :doc:`../dtdayofyear` Extracts the day of the year from a date/time variable as a decimal number (1-366). :doc:`../dthour` Extracts the hour from a date/time variable as a number (1-12 or 1-24). :doc:`../dtminute` Extracts the minute from a date/time variable as a number (0-59). :doc:`../dtmonth` Extracts the month from a date/time variable as a decimal number(1-12). :doc:`../dtmonthname` Extracts the month from a date/time variable as a string name. :doc:`../dtquarter` Extracts the quarter from a date/time variable (1-4). :doc:`../dtsecond` Extracts the seconds from a date/time variable as a number (0-59). :doc:`../dtweek` Extracts the week from a date/time variable as a number (0-53). :doc:`../dtyear` Extracts the year from a date/time variable as a number. :doc:`../getcoldateformats` Gets BSD strftime format specifiers for specified columns of a dataframe. :doc:`../setcoldateformats` Specifies how GAUSS should display dates using the BSD strftime format specifiers. Note that this will also convert the type of the columns specified by column to Date. ============================ ========================================================================== String and categorical variables +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =============================== ========================================================================== :doc:`../dropcategories` Removes categories from the variable and the meta data. Resets the keyvalues and labels for the variable. :doc:`../dropunusedcategories` Removes categories from the meta data of a dataframe that are not present in the current variable. :doc:`../getcategories` Returns the unique set of column labels as a dataframe. :doc:`../getcollabels` Returns the unique set of column labels and corresponding key values for a categorical variable. :doc:`../recodecatlabels` Change categorical variable labels. :doc:`../reordercatlabels` Change the order of categorical variable labels. :doc:`../setbasecat` Sets a category in a categorical variable to be the base case. :doc:`../setbasecat` Sets a category in a categorical variable to be the base case. :doc:`../startswith` Returns a 1 if a string starts with a specified pattern. =============================== ========================================================================== Matrices ---------------- Matrix creation ++++++++++++++++++++++ ================== ================================================================== :doc:`../eye` Creates identity matrix. :doc:`../matalloc` Allocates a matrix with unspecified contents. :doc:`../matinit` Allocates a matrix with specified fill value. :doc:`../ones` Creates a matrix of ones. :doc:`../zeros` Creates a matrix of zeros. ================== ================================================================== Size and range ++++++++++++++++++++++ ================== ================================================================== :doc:`../cols` Returns number of columns in a matrix. :doc:`../colsf` Returns number of columns in an open data set. :doc:`../maxc` Returns largest element in each column of a matrix. :doc:`../minc` Returns smallest element in each column of a matrix. :doc:`../rows` Returns number of rows in a matrix. :doc:`../rowsf` Returns number of rows in an open data set. ================== ================================================================== Other ++++++++++++++++++++++ ======================= ================================================================== :doc:`../diag` Extracts the diagonal of a matrix. :doc:`../diagrv` Puts a column vector into the diagonal of a matrix. :doc:`../lowmatlowmat1` Returns the lower triangle of a matrix with the main diagonal or a diagonal of ones. :doc:`../upmatupmat1` Returns the upper triangle of a matrix with the main diagonal or a diagonal of ones. ======================= ================================================================== Complex numbers +++++++++++++++++++++ ================== ================================================================== :doc:`../complex` Creates a complex matrix from two real matrices. :doc:`../hasimag` Tests whether the imaginary part of a complex matrix is negligible. :doc:`../imag` Returns the imaginary part of a complex matrix. :doc:`../iscplx` Tests whether a matrix is complex. :doc:`../real` Returns the real part of a complex matrix. ================== ================================================================== N-Dimensional arrays ------------------------- Array creation +++++++++++++++++++++ ===================== ================================================================== :doc:`../aconcat` Concatenates conformable matrices and arrays in a user-specified dimension. :doc:`../aeye` Creates an N-dimensional array in which the planes described by the two trailing dimensions of the array are equal to the identity. :doc:`../areshape` Reshapes a scalar, matrix, or array into an array of user-specified size. :doc:`../arrayalloc` Creates an N-dimensional array with unspecified contents. :doc:`../arrayinit` Creates an N-dimensional array with a specified fill value. :doc:`../mattoarray` Converts a matrix to a type array. :doc:`../squeeze` Remove any singleton dimensions from a multi-dimensional array. ===================== ================================================================== Size and range +++++++++++++++++ ==================== ================================================================== :doc:`../amax` Moves across one dimension of an N-dimensional array and finds the largest element. :doc:`../amin` Moves across one dimension of an N-dimensional array and finds the smallest element. :doc:`../getdims` Gets the number of dimensions in an array. :doc:`../getorders` Gets the vector of orders corresponding to an array. ==================== ================================================================== Selection and indexing +++++++++++++++++++++++++ ======================== ================================================================== :doc:`../arrayindex` Converts a scalar vector index to a vector of indices for an N-dimensional array. :doc:`../getarray` Gets a contiguous subarray from an N-dimensional array. :doc:`../getmatrix` Gets a contiguous matrix from an N-dimensional array. :doc:`../getmatrix4d` Gets a contiguous matrix from a 4-dimensional array. :doc:`../getscalar3d` Gets a scalar from a 3-dimensional array. :doc:`../getscalar4d` Gets a scalar from a 4-dimensional array. :doc:`../loopnextindex` Increments an index vector to the next logical index and jumps to the specified label if the index did not wrap to the beginning. :doc:`../nextindex` Returns the index of the next element or subarray in an array. :doc:`../previousindex` Returns the index of the previous element or subarray in an array. :doc:`../singleindex` Converts a vector of indices for an N-dimensional array to a scalar vector index. :doc:`../walkindex` Walks the index of an array forward or backward through a specified dimension. ======================== ================================================================== Transform +++++++++++++ ====================== ================================================================== :doc:`../aconcat` Concatenates conformable matrices and arrays in a user-specified dimension. :doc:`../areshape` Reshapes a scalar, matrix, or array into an array of user-specified size. :doc:`../atranspose` Transposes an N-dimensional array. :doc:`../arraytomat` Changes an array to type matrix. :doc:`../putarray` Puts a contiguous subarray into an N-dimensional array and returns the resulting array. ====================== ================================================================== Other +++++++ ====================== ================================================================== :doc:`../amean` Computes the mean across one dimension of an N-dimensional array. :doc:`../asum` Computes the sum across one dimension of an N-dimensional array. :doc:`../astd` Computes the standard deviation of the elements across one dimension of an N-dimensional array. ====================== ==================================================================