Descriptive statistics and computation ======================================== Descriptive statistics -------------------------- ==================== =========================================== :doc:`../aggregate` Aggregates the data in the columns of a matrix based upon a column containing group ids with a choice of method. :doc:`../dstatmt` Computes descriptive statistics of a dataset, dataframe, or matrix. :doc:`../frequency` Generate frequency table. :doc:`../jarquebera` Computes the Jarque-Bera goodness-of-fit test :doc:`../kurtosis` Computes the sample kurtosis. :doc:`../maxc` Computes maximum value of each column of a matrix. :doc:`../meanc` Computes mean value of each column of a matrix. :doc:`../median` Computes medians of the columns of a matrix. :doc:`../minc` Computes minimum value of each column of a matrix. :doc:`../modec` Computes mode of each column of a matrix. :doc:`../quantile` Computes quantiles from each column in a matrix, given specified probabilities. :doc:`../skew` Computes the sample skew. :doc:`../stdc` Computes the sample standard deviation of the elements in each column of a matrix. :doc:`../tabulate` Computes and returns two-way tables of frequencies. :doc:`../vcmvcx` Computes an unbiased estimate of a variance-covariance matrix from a matrix :math:`x` or a moment matrix, :math:`x'x`. ==================== =========================================== Computation -------------------------- ==================== =========================================== :doc:`../cumprodc` Computes the cumulative products of the columns of a matrix. :doc:`../cumsumc` Computes the cumulative sums of the columns of a matrix. :doc:`../prodc` Computes the products of all elements in each column of a matrix. :doc:`../prodr` Computes the products of all elements in each row of a matrix. :doc:`../sumc` Computes the sum of each column of a matrix or the sum across the second-fastest moving dimension of an L-dimensional array. :doc:`../sumr` Computes the sum of each row of a matrix or the sum of the fastest moving dimension of an L-dimensional array. ==================== =========================================== ================== =========================================== :doc:`../maxindc` Returns a column vector containing the index (i.e., row number) of the maximum element in each column of a matrix. :doc:`../minindc` Returns a column vector containing the index (i.e., row number) of the smallest element in each column of a matrix. ================== ===========================================