Graphics =================== Graph types ---------------------- =================================== ============================================================================ :doc:`../plotacf` Plots the autocorrelations function (ACF). :doc:`../plotarea` Creates a cumulative area plot. :doc:`../plotbar` Creates a bar plot. :doc:`../plotbarh` Creates a horizontal bar plot. :doc:`../plotbox` Creates a box plot. :doc:`../plotcdfempirical` Creates a cumulative distribution function (cdf) of the empirical distribution plot. :doc:`../plotcontour` Creates a contour plot. :doc:`../plotfreq` Calculates and plots the frequencies of categorical variables. :doc:`../plothist` Calculates and creates a frequency histogram plot. :doc:`../plothistf` Creates a histogram plot from a vector of frequencies. :doc:`../plothistp` Calculates and creates a percentage frequency histogram plot. :doc:`../plotloglog` Creates a 2-dimensional line plot with logarithmic scaling of the both the x and y axes. :doc:`../plotlogx` Creates a 2-dimensional line plot with logarithmic scaling of the x-axis. :doc:`../plotlogy` Creates a 2-dimensional line plot with logarithmic scaling of the y-axis. :doc:`../plotpacf` Plots the partial autocorrelations function (PACF). :doc:`../plotpolar` Creates a polar plot. :doc:`../plotscatter` Creates a 2-dimensional scatter plot. :doc:`../plotsurface` Creates a 3-dimensional surface plot. :doc:`../plotts` Creates a graph of time series data. :doc:`../plottshf` Plots high-frequency and irregularly spaced time series data. :doc:`../plottslog` Creates a graph of time series data with the y-axis on a log scale. :doc:`../plotxy` Creates a 2-dimensional line plot. :doc:`../plotxyfill` Creates an area plot between sets of lines. =================================== ============================================================================ Add data to existing graphs -------------------------------- =================================== ============================================================================ :doc:`../plotaddarea` Adds a cumulative area plot to an existing 2-D graph. :doc:`../plotaddbar` Adds a bar or a set of bars to an existing 2-D graph. :doc:`../plotaddbarh` Adds a horizontal bar or a set of horizontal bars to an existing 2-D graph. :doc:`../plotadderrorbar` Adds error bars to an existing 2-D graph. :doc:`../plotaddbox` Adds a box plot to an existing 2-D graph. :doc:`../plotaddhist` Adds a histogram to an existing 2-D graph. :doc:`../plotaddhistf` Adds a frequency histogram to an existing 2-D graph. :doc:`../plotaddhistp` Adds a percent frequency histogram to an existing 2-D graph. :doc:`../plotaddpolar` Adds a graph using polar coordinates to an existing polar graph. :doc:`../plotaddscatter` Adds a set of points to an existing 2-D graph. :doc:`../plotaddsurface` Adds a surface plot to an existing 3-D plot. :doc:`../plotaddts` Adds a curve of time series data to an existing time series plot. :doc:`../plotaddtshf` Adds high-frequency and/or irregularly spaced time series data to an existing 2-D plot. :doc:`../plotaddxy` Adds an XY plot to an existing 2-D graph. :doc:`../plotaddxyfill` Adds an area plot between sets of lines to an existing 2-D plot. =================================== ============================================================================ Spanning bars and lines -------------------------- =================================== ============================================================================ :doc:`../plotaddhbar` Adds one or more horizontal bars spanning the full extent of the x-axis to an existing graph. :doc:`../plotaddhline` Adds one or more horizontal lines spanning the full extent of the x-axis to an existing graph :doc:`../plotaddvbar` Adds one or more vertical bars spanning the full extent of the y-axis to an existing graph. :doc:`../plotaddvline` Adds one or more vertical lines spanning the full extent of the y-axis to an existing graph =================================== ============================================================================ Color palettes ------------------- =================================== ============================================================================ :doc:`../blendcolorpalette` Create a new palette that blends between a list of colors. :doc:`../getcolorpalette` Retrieves a named color palette as a string array. Some names offer multiple palettes based on the number of colors requested. These generally range from a base of 3 to a maximum of 8-12 for color brewer palettes. :doc:`../gethslpalette` Create a set of evenly spaced colors in HSL hue space. :doc:`../gethsluvpalette` Create a set of evenly spaced circular hues in the human-friendly HSLuv color system. :doc:`../listcolorpalettes` List available color palettes known by GAUSS. =================================== ============================================================================ Subplots and size ----------------------- =================================== ============================================================================ :doc:`../plotcanvassize` Controls the size of the canvas on which the next plot is drawn. :doc:`../plotclearlayout` Clears any previously set plot layouts. :doc:`../plotcustomlayout` Plots a graph of user-specified size at a user-specified location. :doc:`../plotlayout` Divides a plot into a grid of subplots and assigns the cell location in which to draw the next created graph. =================================== ============================================================================ Graph windows ------------------- =================================== ============================================================================ :doc:`../plotcloseall` Closes all open graph tabs. :doc:`../plotopenwindow` Opens a new, empty graph window to be used by the next drawn graph. :doc:`../plotsetnewwindow` Sets whether or not graph should be drawn in the same window or a new window. =================================== ============================================================================ Export and save ------------------- =================================== ============================================================================ :doc:`../plotsave` Saves the last created graph to a user specified file type, such as JPG, PNG, PDF, TIFF and more. =================================== ============================================================================ Graph settings ------------------ =================================== ============================================================================ :doc:`../plotgetdefaults` Gets the default settings for a specified graph type. :doc:`../plotsetfonts` Sets the font family, size and color for all or a subset of the text elements in a graph. =================================== ============================================================================ Title, legend and axis labels +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =================================== ============================================================================ :doc:`../plotsetlegend` Adds a legend to a graph. :doc:`../plotsetlegendbkd` Sets the opacity and color for the background of a graph legend. :doc:`../plotsetlegendborder` Controls the color and thickness of the legend border. :doc:`../plotsetlegendfont` Set the font, font size and font color for the text in the legend. :doc:`../plotsetlegendtitle` Sets the text for the legend title. :doc:`../plotsettextinterpreter` Controls the text interpreter (LaTeX, HTML) settings for one or more text labels. :doc:`../plotsettitle` Controls the settings for the title for a graph. :doc:`../plotsetxlabel` Controls the settings for the x-axis label on a graph. :doc:`../plotsetylabel` Controls the settings for the y-axis label on a graph. :doc:`../plotsetzlabel` Controls the settings for the z-axis label on a graph. =================================== ============================================================================ Axes and grid +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =================================== ============================================================================ :doc:`../plotsetactivex` Determines whether subsequent ``plotSet`` calls apply to the top or bottom x-axis. :doc:`../plotsetactivey` Determines whether subsequent ``plotSet`` calls apply to the left or right y-axis. :doc:`../plotsetaxespen` Sets the color, width and style for the axes lines. :doc:`../plotsetgridpen` Controls the thickness, color, and style for the grid lines. :doc:`../plotsetoutlineenabled` Turns on an outline around the plot. :doc:`../plotsetwhichxaxis` Assigns curves to the top or bottom x-axis. :doc:`../plotsetwhichyaxis` Assigns curves to the right or left y-axis. :doc:`../plotsetxgridpen` Controls the thickness, color, and style for the grid lines from the x-axis. :doc:`../plotsetxpen` Controls the thickness, color, and style for the x-axis line. :doc:`../plotsetxrange` Sets the range for the x-axis, and optionally the distance between major ticks and the first tick to label. :doc:`../plotsetygridpen` Controls the thickness, color, and style for the grid lines from the y-axis. :doc:`../plotsetypen` Controls the thickness, color, and style for the y-axis line. :doc:`../plotsetyrange` Sets the range for the y-axis, and optionally the distance between major ticks and the first tick to label. =================================== ============================================================================ Axes ticks +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =================================== ============================================================================ :doc:`../plotsetticlabelfont` Controls the font name, size and color for the x and y-axis tick labels. :doc:`../plotsetticposition` Controls if the x and y-axis tick is inside or outside the axis lines. :doc:`../plotsetxminorticcount` Controls the number of minor ticks to place between major ticks on the x-axis of a 2-D plot. :doc:`../plotsetxticinterval` Controls the interval between x-axis tick labels and also allows the user to specify the first tick to be labeled for 2-D graphs. :doc:`../plotsetxticlabel` Controls the formatting and angle of x-axis tick labels. :doc:`../plotsetxticposition` Controls if the x-axis tick is inside or outside the x-axis line. :doc:`../plotsetyminorticcount` Controls the number of minor ticks to place between major ticks on the y-axis of a 2-D plot. :doc:`../plotsetyticinterval` Controls the interval between y-axis tick labels and also allows the user to specify the first tick to be labeled for 2-D graphs. :doc:`../plotsetyticlabel` Controls the formatting and angle of y-axis tick labels. :doc:`../plotsetyticposition` Controls if the y-axis tick is inside or outside the y-axis line. =================================== ============================================================================ Line color, style and fill ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =================================== ============================================================================ :doc:`../plotsetbkdcolor` Sets background color of a graph. :doc:`../plotsetcolormap` Sets the color maps for a surface or contour plot. :doc:`../plotsetfill` Sets the fill style, transparency and color for scatter symbols, area plots, histograms and bar graphs. :doc:`../plotsetlinepen` Sets line color, thickness and style. :doc:`../plotsetlinesymbol` Sets line symbols displayed on the plotted points of a graph. :doc:`../plotsetmissgap` Controls whether missing data creates a gap in line plots, or is ignored. =================================== ============================================================================ Box and Bar settings +++++++++++++++++++++++++ =================================== ============================================================================ :doc:`../plotsetjitterrange` Adds a small random perturbation (jitter) to :doc:`../plotbox` outliers, or :doc:`../plotscatter` plots so that overlapping observations can be better seen. :doc:`../plotsetbarwidth` Sets the width of the bars in bar plots. :doc:`../plotsetboxwidth` Sets the width of the boxes in box plots. =================================== ============================================================================ Contour settings +++++++++++++++++++++ =================================== ============================================================================ :doc:`../plotsetcontourlabels` Sets the format and precision of contour height labels. :doc:`../plotsetzlevels` Controls the heights at which lines are drawn on a contour plot. =================================== ============================================================================ Annotations ---------------- =================================== ============================================================================ :doc:`../plotaddarrow` Adds an arrow to an existing graph. :doc:`../plotaddshape` Adds an arrow, line, ellipse or rectangle to an existing graph. :doc:`../plotaddtextbox` Adds a textbox to an existing graph. =================================== ============================================================================ Annotation settings ----------------------- ===================================== ============================================================================ :doc:`../annotationgetdefaults` Fills in an instance of a plotAnnotation structure with default values. :doc:`../annotationsetbkd` Sets the background color and transparency level for a textbox, rectangle or ellipse. :doc:`../annotationsetfont` Sets the font properties of a plotAnnotation structure for controlling text boxes added to a graph. :doc:`../annotationsetlinecolor` Sets the line color for textbox, rectangle or ellipse borders as well as the color for lines and arrows. :doc:`../annotationsetlinepen` Sets the line width, color and style for textbox, rectangle or ellipse borders as well as the color for lines and arrows. :doc:`../annotationsetlinestyle` Sets the line style for textbox, rectangle or ellipse borders as well as the style for lines and arrows. :doc:`../annotationsetlinethickness` Sets the line thickness for textbox, rectangle or ellipse borders as well as the color for lines and arrows. :doc:`../annotationsettextalign` Sets the alignment for the text inside of textbox annotations. ===================================== ============================================================================