FANPAC MT ============================ Contains procedures for the analysis of categorical data using loglinear analysis. Description ---------------- The **Financial Analysis Application MT** (**FANPAC MT**) provides econometric tools commonly implemented for estimation and analysis of financial data. **FANPAC MT** allows users to tailor each session to their specific modeling needs and is designed for estimating parameters of univariate and multivariate Generalized Autoregressive Conditionally Heteroskedastic (GARCH) models. Installation -------------- If you're interested in purchasing **FANPAC MT** Please `contact us `_ to request pricing and installation information. If you already own **FANPAC MT** , you can use the `GAUSS Package Manager `_ for quick download and installation. Requires GAUSS/GAUSS Engine/GAUSS Light v10 or higher Key Features ------------------------------ Supported Models +++++++++++++++++++ * BEKK GARCH model. * Diagonal VEC multivariate models: * GARCH model. * Fractionally integrated GARCH model. * GJR GARCH model. * Multivariate constant conditional correlation models: * GARCH model. * Exponential GARCH model. * Fractionally integrated GARCH model. * GJR GARCH model * Multivariate dynamic conditional correlation models: * GARCH model. * Exponential GARCH model * Fractionally integrated GARCH model. * GJR GARCH model. * Multivariate factor GARCH model. * Generalized orthogonal GARCH model. * Univariate time series models: * GARCH model. * OLS. * ARIMA. Modeling Flexibility Provided with User-Specified Modeling Features: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * GARCH, ARCH, autoregressive, and moving average orders. * Flexible enforcement of stationarity and nonnegative conditional variance requirements. * Pre-programmed, user controlled Boxcox data transformations. * Error density functions (Normal, Student’s t, or skew t-distribution). GAUSS FANPAC MT Output Includes: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * Estimates of model parameters. * Moment matrix of parameter estimates. * Confidence limits. * Time series and conditional variance matrices forecasts. FANPAC MT Tools Facilitate Goodness-of-Fit analysis: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * Reported Akaike and Bayesian information criterion. * Computed model residuals. * Computed roots of characteristic equations. * GARCH time series data simulation. * Andrews simulation method statistical inference. * Time series ACF and PACF computation and plotting. * Data and diagnostic plots including: * Standardized residuals. * Conditional correlations, standard deviations, and variance. * Quantile-quantile plots. * Residual diagnostics including skew, kurtosis, and Ljung-Box statistics.