.. title:: Explore .. meta:: :description: Looking for additional resources about GAUSS? Learn more about our built-in and Machine Learning functions. Find GAUSS documentation here. GAUSS documentation ==================== The GAUSS Platform provides a fully interactive environment for exploring data, performing calculations and analyzing results. These interactive features speed up your workflow, while the exceptionally fast GAUSS analytics engine will speed up your computations. .. role:: text-left .. grid:: 2 .. grid-item-card:: :shadow: none :class-header: text-center :class-body: text-center :link: command-reference :link-type: doc API ^^^^^^ .. container:: icon-large :fa:`code` .. container:: text-left View the comprehensive list of built-in commands and detailed help for each in GAUSS. .. grid-item-card:: :shadow: none :class-header: text-center :class-body: text-center :link: learning-resources :link-type: doc Learning Resources ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. container:: icon-large :fa:`graduation-cap` .. container:: text-left Enhance your GAUSS usage with these valuable learning resources. .. grid:: 2 .. grid-item-card:: :shadow: none :class-header: text-center :class-body: text-center :link: applications :link-type: doc Apps ^^^^^ .. container:: icon-large :fa:`rocket` .. container:: text-left Save time with our pre-built applications. .. grid-item-card:: :shadow: none :class-header: text-center :class-body: text-center :link: changelog :link-type: doc Changelog ^^^^^^^^^ .. container:: icon-large :fa:`list` .. container:: text-left View the list of updates for each version of GAUSS. .. grid:: 2 .. grid-item-card:: :shadow: none :class-header: text-center :class-body: text-center :link: https://www.aptech.com/resources/tutorials Tutorials ^^^^^^^^^ .. container:: icon-large :fa:`external-link-alt` .. container:: text-left View tutorials on the main aptech.com website. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: command-reference learning-resources applications changelog