pdfn ============================================== Purpose ---------------- Computes the standard Normal (scalar) probability density function. Format ---------------- .. function:: p = pdfn(x[, mu[, sigma]]) :param x: data :type x: NxK matrix or N-dimensional array. :param mu: Optional input, mean parameter. Default = 0. :type mu: scalar :param sigma: Optional input, standard deviation parameter. Default = 1. :type sigma: scalar :return p: contains the standard Normal probability density function of *x*. :rtype p: NxK matrix or N-dimensional array Examples ---------------- Example 1 +++++++++ :: x = { -3, -2, 0, 2, 3 }; y = pdfn(x); After the code above: :: 0.0044318484 0.053990967 y = 0.39894228 0.053990967 0.004431848 Example 2 +++++++++ x = 1.5; mu = 3; sigma = 2; p = pdfn(x, mu, sigma); After the code above, *p* should equal: :: 0.15056872 Remarks ------- This does not compute the joint Normal density function. Instead, the scalar Normal density function is computed element-by-element. *y* could be computed by the following GAUSS code: :: y =(1/sqrt(2*pi))*exp(-(x.*x)/2); .. seealso:: Functions :func:`pdfTruncNorm`