plotAddXY ============================================== Purpose ---------------- Adds an XY graph to an existing graph. Format ---------------- .. function:: plotAddXY([myPlot, ]x, y) :param myPlot: Optional argument. A :class:`plotControl` structure. :type myPlot: struct :param x: Each column contains the X values for a particular line. :type x: Nx1 or NxM matrix :param y: Each column contains the Y values for a particular line. :type y: Nx1 or NxM matrix Examples ---------------- :: // Create some data to plot y = rndn(100, 1); x = seqa(1, 1, 100); // Plot first y vector of data plotXY(x, y); y2 = rndu(28, 1); // Plot second vector of data x2 = seqa(100-28, 1, 28); plotAddXY(x2, y2); Remarks ------- :func:`plotAddXY` may only add curves to 2-D graphs. This function will not change any of the current graph's settings other than to resize the view as necessary to display the new curve. .. seealso:: Functions :func:`plotAddBar`, :func:`plotAddHist`, :func:`plotAddHistF`, :func:`plotAddHistP`, :func:`plotAddPolar`