plotSetOutlineEnabled ============================================== Purpose ---------------- Turns on an outline around the plot. Format ---------------- .. function:: plotSetOutlineEnabled(&myPlot, enabled) :param &myPlot: A :class:`plotControl` structure pointer. :type &myPlot: struct pointer :param enabled: A 0 to hide the outline, or a 1 to show it. :type enabled: scalar Examples ---------------- .. figure:: _static/images/plotsetoutlineenabled-cr.png :scale: 50 % :: // Declare plotControl structure struct plotControl myPlot; // Initialize plotControl structure myPlot = plotGetDefaults("scatter"); // Turn on plot outline plotSetOutlineEnabled(&myPlot, 1); // Create data x = seqa(0.1, 1, 50); y = sin(x)~cos(x); // Plot the data with outline enabled. plotScatter(myPlot, x, y); Remarks ------- .. include:: include/plotattrremark.rst .. seealso:: Functions :func:`plotGetDefaults`, :func:`plotSetXPen`, :func:`plotSetYPen`, :func:`plotSetAxesPen`