plotSetYTicLabelFont ============================================== Purpose ---------------- Controls the settings for font style, size, and color of the y-axis tick labels on a graph. Format ---------------- .. function:: plotSetYTicLabelFontLabel(&myPlot, font [, fontSize[, fontColor]]) :param &myPlot: A :class:`plotControl` structure pointer. :type &myPlot: struct pointer :param font: Font or font family name. :type font: string :param fontSize: Optional argument, font size in points. :type fontSize: scalar :param fontColor: Optional argument, named color or RGB value. :type fontColor: string Examples ---------------- .. figure:: _static/images/plotsetyticlabelfont-cr.png :scale: 50 % :: // Declare plotControl structure struct plotControl myPlot; // Initialize plotControl structure myPlot = plotGetDefaults("hist"); // Set the y-axis label font, label font size, and // label color plotSetYTicLabelFont(&myPlot, "Arial", 12, "blue"); // Create data x = rndn(1e5,1); // Plot a histogram of the x data spread over 50 bins plotHist(myPlot, x, 50); Remarks ------- .. include:: include/plotattrremark.rst .. seealso:: Functions :func:`plotsetactivex`, :func:`plotSetXTicInterval`, :func:`plotSetXTicLabel`, :func:`plotSetYLabel`, :func:`plotSetZLabel`, :func:`plotSetLinePen`