arimaFit ============== Purpose ------- Estimates coefficients of a univariate time series model with autoregressive-moving average errors. Model may include fixed regressors. Format ------ .. function:: amo = arimaFit(y, p [, d, q, amc]) amo = arimaFit(data, var, p [, d, q, amc]) :param y: data. :type y: Nx1 vector :param data: name of data set or null string. :type data: string :param var: formula string of the model. E.g. ``"y ~ X1 + X2"``, *y* is the name of dependent variable, ``X1`` and ``X2`` are names of independent variables; E.g. ``"y ~ ."``, '.' means including all variables except dependent variable *y*; :type var: string :param p: the autoregressive order. :type p: Scalar :param d: Optional input, the order of differencing. Default = 0. :type d: scalar :param q: Optional input, the moving average order. Default = 0. :type q: scalar :param amc: Optional input. An instance of an :class:`arimamtControl` structure. The following members of amc are referenced within this routine: .. list-table:: :widths: auto * - amc.const - If fixed regressors: NxM matrix, N must be the same as *y* after it has been differenced. Else: Scalar, if 1, a constant is estimated; 0 otherwise. Default = 1. * - amc.itol - Matrix, 3x1 , controls the convergence criterion. :[1]: Maximum number of iterations. Default = 100. :[2]: Minimum percentage change in the sum of squared errors. Default = 1e-8. :[3]: Minimum percentage change in the parameter values. Default = 1e-6. * - amc.output - Scalar, controls printing of output. Default = 1. :0: Nothing will be printed by arimaFit. :1: Final results are printed. :2: Final results, iterations results, residual a utocorrelations, Box-Ljung statistic, and covariance and correlation matrices are printed. * - amc.ranktol - Scalar, the tolerance used in determining if any of the singular values are effectively zero when computing the rank of a matrix. Default = 1e-13. * - amc.start - vector of starting values in order of AR, MA, and Constant; or a scalar, 0, which instructs arimaFit to compute starting values; Default = 0. * - amc.varn - Character, 1x(M+1) vector of parameter names. This is used for models with fixed regressors. The first element contains the name of the independent variable; the second through :math:`Mth` elements contain the variable names for the fixed regressors. If ``amc.varn = 0``, the fixed regressors labeled as :math:`X_0, X_1, ..., X_M`. Default = 0. :type amc: struct :return amo: An instance of an :class:`arimamtOut` structure containing the following members: .. list-table:: :widths: auto * - amo.aic - Scalar, value of the Akaike information criterion. * - amo.b - Kx1 vector, estimated model coefficients. * - amo.e - Nx1 vector, residual from fitted model. * - amo.ll - Scalar, the value of the log likelihood function. * - amo.sbc - Scalar, value of the Schwartz Bayesian criterion. * - amo.vcb - KxK matrix, the covariance matrix of estimated model coefficients. :rtype amo: struct Examples --------- AR(1) ++++++++++++++++++ :: new; cls; library tsmt; //Simulate data seed = 423458; y = simarmamt(.3, 1, 0, 2, 0, 250, 1, .5, seed); //Declare arima out structures struct arimamtOut amo; //Set AR order p = 1; //Estimate model amo = arimaFit(y, p); Integrated AR(1) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :: new; cls; library tsmt; // Simulate data seed = 423458; y = simarmamt(.3, 1, 0, 2, 0, 250, 1, .5, seed); // Integrated series z = cumsumc(y); // Declare arima out structures struct arimamtOut amo; // Set AR order p = 1; // Set order of differencing d = 1; // Estimate model amo = arimaFit(z, p, d); AR(2) Using dataset and formula string +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :: new; cls; library tsmt; // Filename fname = getGAUSSHome() $+ "pkgs/tsmt/examples/enders_sim2.dat"; // Declare arima out structures struct arimamtOut amo; // Set AR order p = 2; // Run arima estimation amo = arimaFit(fname, "ar2", p); The example above prints the following results: :: Model: ARIMA(2,0,0) Final Results: Log Likelihood: 200.167329 Number of Residuals: 100 AIC : -396.334658 Error Variance : 0.088081041 SBC : -391.124317 Standard Error : 0.296784502 DF: 98 SSE: 8.631942002 Coefficients Std. Err. T-Ratio Approx. Prob. AR[1,1] 0.69112 0.08760 7.88927 0.00000 AR[2,1]-0.48468 0.08780 -5.52026 0.00000 Constant: -0.01830559 Total Computation Time: 0.00 (seconds) AR Roots and Moduli: Real : 0.71296 0.71296 Imag.: 1.24695 -1.24695 Mod. : 1.43638 1.43638 Remarks ------- There are other members of the :class:`arimamtControl` structure which are used by the :func:`arimaFit` likelihood function but need not be set by the user: `amc.b`, `amc.y`, `amc.n`, `amc.e`, `amc.k`, `amc.m`, `amc.inter`. :func:`arimaFit` forces the autoregressive coefficients to be invertible (in other words, the autoregressive roots have modulus greater than one). The moving average roots will have modulus one or greater. If a moving average root is one, :func:`arimaFit` reports a missing value for the moving average coefficient's standard deviation, t-statistic and p-value. This is because these values are meaningless when one of the moving average roots is equal to one. A moving average root equal to one suggests that the data may have been over-differenced. Library ------- tsmt Source ------ arimamt.src .. seealso:: Functions :func:`arimaFit`, :func:`arimaSS`