arimaPredict ============ Purpose ------- Estimates forecasts using estimation results obtained from :func:`arimaFit`. Format ------ .. function:: f = arimaPredict(b, y, e, h) :param b: estimated coefficients :type b: Kx1 vector :param y: data. :type y: Nx1 vector :param e: residuals reported by arimamt program. :type e: Nx1 vector :param h: the number of step-ahead forecasts to computer. :type h: scalar :return f: .. list-table:: :widths: auto * - :math:`[.,1]` - Lower forecast confidence bounds. * - :math:`[.,2]` - Forecasts. * - :math:`[.,3]` - Upper forecast confidence bounds. :rtype f: hx3 matrix Example ------- :: new; cls; library tsmt; // Simulate data seed = 423458; y = simarmamt(.3, 1, 0, 2, 0, 250, 1, .5, seed); // Integrated series z = cumsumc(y); // Declare arima out structures struct arimamtOut amo; // Set AR order p = 1; // Set order of differencing d = 1; // Estimate model amo = arimaFit(z, p, d); // Forecast model f = arimaPredict(amo, z, 25); The first five forecasts printed to the screen are: :: Forecasts for ARIMA(1,1,0) Model. 95% Confidence Interval Computed. Period LCL Forecasts UCL Forecast Std. Err. 251 480.694133 481.751067 482.808002 0.539262 252 481.268540 483.021519 484.774499 0.894394 253 482.000099 484.313042 486.625985 1.180095 254 482.830115 485.611374 488.392633 1.419036 255 483.724926 486.911907 490.098888 1.626041 Remarks ------- * Data must be transformed before being sent to :func:`arimaPredict`. * The :func:`arimaPredict` procedure does not compute forecasts for models with fixed regressors. Library ------- tsmt Source ------ forecastmt.src .. seealso:: Functions :func:`arimaFit`, :func:`arimaSS`