arimaSS ======= Purpose ------- Estimates ARIMA models using a state space representation, the Kalman filter, and maximum likelihood. Format ------ .. function:: vOut = arimaSS(y, p, d, q, trend, const) :param y: data. :type y: Nx1 vector :param p: the autoregressive order. :type p: Scalar :param d: the order of differencing. :type d: Scalar :param q: the moving average order. :type q: Scalar :param trend: an indicator variable to include a trend in the model. Set to 1 to include trend, 0 otherwise. :type trend: Scalar :param const: an indicator variable to include a constant in the model. Set to 1 to include trend, 0 otherwise. :type const: Scalar :return vOut: An instance of an :class:`arimamtOut` structure containing the following members: .. list-table:: :widths: auto * - amo.aic - Scalar, value of the Akaike information criterion. * - amo.b - Kx1 vector, estimated model coefficients. * - amo.e - Nx1 vector, residual from fitted model. * - amo.ll - Scalar, the value of the log likelihood function. * - amo.sbc - Scalar, value of the Schwartz Bayesian criterion. * - amo.lrs - Lx1 vector, the Likelihood Ratio Statistic. * - amo.vcb - KxK matrix, the covariance matrix of estimated model coefficients. * - amo.mse - Scalar, mean sum of squares for errors. * - amo.sse - Scalar, the sum of squares for errors. * - amo.ssy - Scalar, the sum of squares for Y data. * - amo.rstl - an instance of the kalmanResult structure. :rtype vOut: struct Example ------- :: new; library tsmt; // Create file name with full path fname = getGAUSSHome() $+ "pkgs/tsmt/examples/wpi1.dat"; // Load variable 'wpi' from 'wpi1.dat' y = loadd(fname, "wpi"); // Model settings p = 1; d = 1; q = 1; trend = 0; const = 1; // Declare 'amo' to be an arimamtOut structure // to hold the estimation results and then // estimate the model struct arimamtOut amo; amo = arimaSS(y, p, d, q, trend, const); The example above prints the following results :: ARIMA(1,1,1) Results 2022-07-14 16:08:37 Number of Observations: 123.0000 Degrees of Freedom: 119 Mean of Y: 62.7742 Standard Deviation of Y : 30.2436 Sum of Squares of Y: 112504.7755 COEFFICIENTS Coefficient Estimates ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variables Coefficient se tstat pval phi : y[t-1] 0.868 0.0639 13.6 4.8e-42 theta : e[t-1] -0.406 0.123 -3.29 0.000985 Sigma2 0.524 0.0462 11.3 7.69e-30 Constant 0.8 0.296 2.71 0.00682 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *p-val<0.1 **p-val<0.05 ***p-val<0.001 Library ------- tsmt Source ------ sarima_ss.src .. seealso:: Functions :func:`arimaFit`, :func:`sarimaSS`