vmsdiffmt ========= Purpose ------- Seasonally Differences matrices. Format ------ .. function:: y = vmsdiffmt(x, d, s) :param x: TxK, data to be differenced. :type x: matrix :param d: the number of periods over which differencing occurs. :type d: scalar :param s: seasonal parameter, . :type s: scalar :return y: the seasonally differenced data. :rtype y: (T-d)xK matrix Example ------- :: new; cls; library tsmt; // Load airline data airline = loadd( getGAUSSHome() $+ "pkgs/tsmt/examples/airline.dat"); y = ln(airline); // Set parameters for differencing data s = 12; // Order of differencing d = 1; // Take seasonal differences y_sd = vmsdiffmt(y, d, s); Library ------- tsmt Source ------ vmutilsmt.src