panel_surwald ============================================== Purpose ---------------- Computes tests for Granger causality in heterogeneous mixed panels with bootstrap critical values. Format ---------------- .. function:: SURwald = Panel_SURwald(data, vnames, pmax, dmax, ic, Nboot) :noindexentry: :param data: Data to be tested with k individual variables each in a separate column. :type data: Txk matrix :param vnames: Variable names. :type vnames: String array :param pmax: Maximum number of lags. :type pmax: Scalar :param ic: The information criterion used for choosing lags. =========== ===================== 1 Akaike. 2 Schwarz. 3 t-stat significance. =========== ===================== Default = 2. :type ic: Scalar :param Nboot: Number of bootstrap replications. :type Nboot: Scalar :param Ncross: Number of cross sections. :type Ncross: Scalar :return SURwald: Panel SUR Wald statistics. Prints individual results and bootstrap critical values. :rtype SURwald: Scalar Examples -------- :: library tspdlib; // Load panel data data = loadd(getGAUSSHome() $+ "pkgs/tspdlib/examples/pdcause.dat"); // Number of bootstrap replications Nboot = 1000; // Number of time periods T = 28; // Number of cross-sections Ncross = 9; // Maximum number of lags pmax = 3; // Information criterion; // 1 = Akaike, 2 = Schwarz ic = 2; // Variable names vnames = "y"$|"x"; SURwald = Panel_SURwald(data, vnames, pmax, ic, Nboot, Ncross); Source ------ pdcause_surwald.src .. seealso:: Functions :func:`granger`, :func:`panel_fisher`, :func:`panel_zhnc`