sbur_gls ============================================== Purpose ---------------- Computes the unit root stratistics with structural breaks in a GLS-detrended framework. Format ---------------- .. function:: sbOut = sbur_gls(y, model [, sburCtl]) :noindexentry: :param y: Time series with the variable to be analysed. :type y: Tx1 vector :param model: Model to be implemented. =========== ==================================================== 1 Constant case, without structural breaks. 2 Linear time trend case, without structural breaks. 3 Multiple breaks in level and slope of trend. =========== ===================================================== :type model: Scalar :param nbreak: Optional, number of breaks to consider (up to 5). Default = 5. :type nbreak: Scalar :param sburCtl: Optional, an instance of the sburControl structure, containing the following members: .. list-table:: :widths: auto * - sburCtl.knownBreaks - scalar, specifies if breaks are known or unknown. 0 for known breaks, 1 for unknown breaks. Default = 1. * - sburCtl.breakDate - vector, holds an known breaks dates. Default = none specified. * - sburCtl.numberBreaks - scalar, when the structural breaks are unknown, this scalar indicates the number of structural breaks that is assumed. Note that, at the moment, the procedure is designed for up to m <= 5 structural breaks. * - sburCtl.penalty - scalar, indicates the penalty function that defines the information criteria that is used to determine the number of lags used to estimate the long-run variance. penalty = 0 for maic, and penalty = 1 for bic. Default = 0. * - sburCtl.kmax - scalar, denotes the maximum number of lags that is used to estimate the long-run variance. Default = 4. * - sburCtl.kmin - scalar, denotes the minimum number of lags that is used to estimate the long-run variance. Default = 0. * - sburCtl.estimation - scalar, specifying the estimation method. 0 indicates brute force estimation, 1, uses the dynamic algorithm. Default = 0; * - sburCtl.prewhit - scalar, Set to 1 if want to apply AR(1) prewhitening prior to estimating the long run covariance matrix. Default = 0. * - sburCtl.maxIters - scalar, if dynamic algorithm is used, this indicates the maximum number of iterations. Default = 100; :type sbCtl: struct :return sbOut: An instance of the sburOut structure, containing the following members: .. list-table:: :widths: auto * - - scalar, the value for the Pt unit root test. * - sbOut.mpt - scalar, the value for the MPT unit root test. * - sbOut.adf - scalar, the value for the ADF unit root test. * - - scalar, the value for the ZA unit root test. * - sbOut.mza - scalar, the value for the MZA unit root test. * - sbOut.msb - scalar, the value for the MSB unit root test. * - sbOut.mzt - scalar, the value for the MZT unit root test. * - sbOut.min_tb - Vector, the estimated break points. * - sbOut.cbar - scalar, the value of the c_bar parameter that is used in the quasi GLS-detrending. :rtype sbOut: struct Examples -------- :: library tspdlib; // Load data data = loadd(getGAUSSHome() $+ "pkgs/tspdlib/examples/ts_examples.csv", "Y + date($Date, '%b-%y')"); /* ** This section sets parameters ** for testing. */ // Set up control structure struct sburControl sburCtl; sburCtl = sburControlCreate(); // Number of breaks sburCtl.numberBreaks = 2; // Model to use model = 3; /* ** Estimation method ** when = 1 we use the algorithm, ** and = 0 brut force */ sburCtl.estimation = 1; sburCtl.maxIters = 20; // Output structure struct sburOut sbOut; sbOut = sbur_gls(data[., "Y"], model, sburCtl); Source ------ sbur.src .. seealso:: Functions :func:`dfgls`, :func:`kpss_1break`, :func:`kpss_2breaks`, :func:`kpss_1break`, :func:`adf_1break`, :func:`adf_2breaks`