Computes confidence limits by inversion of the Wald statistic.
- out = cmlmtInverseWaldLimits(out0, c0)#
- out = cmlmtInverseWaldLimits(out0)
- Parameters:
out0 (struct) – Instance of
structure containing results of an estimation generated by a call tocmlmt()
.c1 (struct) – Optional input. Instance of a
structure containing the following members:
- Returns:
out (struct) – An instance of a
structure. Contains the results of the optimization problem, including parameter estimates, function evaluations, and various statistical measures.
The following is a complete example demonstrating the use of cmlmtInverseWaldLimits()
// Load cmlmt library
library cmlmt;
// Likelihood function
proc lpr(struct PV p, x, y, ind);
local s2, b0, b, yh, u, res, g1, g2;
// Declare 'mm' to be a modelResults struct
// to hold the function and gradient values
struct modelResults mm;
// Extract parameters from PV struct
b0 = pvUnpack(p, "b0");
b = pvUnpack(p, "b");
s2 = pvUnpack(p, "variance");
// Computations shared between function and gradient
yh = b0 + x * b;
res = y - yh;
u = y[.,1] ./= 0;
// Compute function value
if ind[1];
mm.function = u.*lnpdfmvn(res, s2) + (1-u).*(ln(cdfnc(yh/sqrt(s2))));
// Compute gradient if second element
// of 'ind' is nonzero
if ind[2];
yh = yh/sqrt(s2);
g1 = ((res~x.*res)/s2)~((res.*res/s2)-1)/(2*s2);
g2 = (-(ones(rows(x), 1)~x)/sqrt(s2))~(yh/(2*s2));
g2 = (pdfn(yh)./cdfnc(yh)).*g2;
mm.gradient = u.*g1 + (1-u).*g2;
struct PV p0;
p0 = pvPack(pvCreate, 1, "b0");
p0 = pvPack(p0, 1|1|1, "b");
p0 = pvPack(p0, 1, "variance");
// Declare cmlmtControl structure
struct cmlmtControl c0;
c0 = cmlmtControlCreate;
// Set title
c0.title = "Tobit Example";
// Set parameter bounds
c0.Bounds = {
-10 10,
-10 10,
-10 10,
-10 10,
.1 10
// Load tobit data
z = loadd(getGAUSSHome("pkgs/cmlmt/examples/cmlmttobit.dat"));
// Separate x and y
y = z[., 1];
x = z[., 2:4];
// Declare instance of cmlmtResults structure
struct cmlmtResults out1;
out1 = cmlmt(&lpr, p0, x, y, c0);
// Limits by inversion of likelihood ratio statistic
out1 = cmlmtProfileLimits(&lpr, out1, x, y, c0);
// Limits by inversion of Wald statistic
out1 = cmlmtInverseWaldLimits(out1, c0);
// Print results
call cmlmtPrt(out1);