Tests and dates likely structural breaks using out-of-sample forecasts.
- { cs, prob } = chowfcst(yt, xt, window);
- Parameters:
yt (Tx1 vector) – time series data.
xt (Txk matrix) – estimation regressors.
demean (scalar) – Indicator variable for demeaning variable. 0 = no demeaning, 1 = demean data.
window (scalar) – Number of lags to include in the test.
- Returns:
cs (scalar) – The Chow out-of-sample forecast F-statistic.
prob (scalar) – P-value of Chow statistic.
The Chow (1960) test uses out-of-sample forecasts, given a coefficient estimates from a subset of the data sample. Under the null hypothesis of constant coefficients, the out-of-sample forecasts are expected to be unbiased, equivalently the forecast errors are expected to have zero mean.
library tsmt;
//Use the simarmamt procedure to generate ar data
// This generates 300 observations of an
// AR(1) series with a break in the constant
// at observations 90
// and standard deviation equal to 0.5.
b = 0.6;
q = 0;
p = 1;
const1 = 0.5;
tr = 0;
n1 = 90;
n_tot = 300;
k = 1;
std = 0.5;
seed = 19786;
// First series with constant=0.3
y1 = simarmamt(b, p ,q, const1, tr, n1, k, std, seed);
// Second series with constant=1.7
y2 = simarmamt(b, p, q, const2, tr, n_tot-n1, k, std, seed);
// Full time series with break
yt_break = y1|y2;
// Full time series without break
yt = simarmamt(b, p, q, const1, tr, n_tot, k, std, seed);
// Test first series for breaks using chowfcst
// Generate xt regressors
// These should include a constant
xt_const = ones(n_tot, 1);
// Lagged dependent variable
yt_lag1 = lag1(yt_break);
yt_lag2 = lag1(yt);
// Concat both into one data matrix
xt1 = xt_const~yt_lag1;
xt2 = xt_const~yt_lag2;
// Trim the first missing observation due to lagging
xt1 = trimr(xt1, 1, 0);
yt1 = trimr(yt_break, 1, 0);
xt2 = trimr(xt2, 1, 0);
yt2 = trimr(yt, 1, 0);
// Call chowfcst using data with break
{ chow_br, prob_br } = chowfcst(yt1, xt1, n1);
format /rz 8,4;
print "The Chow test statistic for series with break:"; chow_br;
print "The p-value for series with break:" prob_br;
// Call chowfcst using data without break
{ chow, prob } = chowfcst(yt2, xt2, 100);
print "The Chow test statistic for series without break:"; chow;
print "The p-value for series without break:" prob;
- Chow, G.C. (1960). Tests of equality between sets of coefficients in
two linear regressions, Econometrica, 52, 211-22.