Partitions data into k clusters, based upon k user supplied centroids.
- assignments = kmeansPredict(mdl, X)#
- assignments = kmeansPredict(centroids, X)
- Parameters:
mdl (struct) – Instance of a
structure.centroids (kxP matrix) – Cluster centers.
X (NxP matrix) – The data to partition.
- Returns:
assignments (Nx1 matrix) – The cluster to which each corresponding index of X has been assigned. range = 1-k.
Example 1: Basic example with a matrix of centroids.#
library gml;
centroids = { 2 3,
-2 -3 };
X = { 1 1,
0 -2,
2 0 };
// Assign each row of 'X' to either cluster 1 or cluster 2
assignments = kmeansPredict(centroids, X);
The above code will assign assignments equal to:
because, the points (1,1) and (2,0) are closer (euclidean distance) to the first centroid at point (2,3), while the second row of X (0,-2) is closer to the second centroid (-2,-3).
Example 2: Use centroids from a kmeansModel structure#
library gml;
// For repeatable sample
rndseed 234234;
// Get dataset with full name
fname = getGAUSSHome("pkgs/gml/examples/iris.csv");
// Load data
X = loadd(fname, ". -species");
// Split data into x_train and x_test
{ x_train, x_test } = splitData(X, 0.70);
// Number of clusters
n_clusters = 3;
// Declare kmeansModel struct
struct kmeansModel mdl;
// Fit kmeans model
mdl = kmeansFit(x_train , n_clusters);
// Assign test data to clusters
test_clusters = kmeansPredict(mdl, x_test);
The above code will print the following:
Model: K-Means Number clusters: 3
Number observations: 105 Number features: 4
Init method: K-means++ Number starts: 3
Tolerance: 0.0001
K-means fit performance statistics:
Total sum of squares: 477.576
Between group sum of squares: 419.05229
Within group sum of squares: 58.52371
The ratio of BSS/TSS: 0.87745676
SepalLength SepalWidth PetalLength PetalWidth
5.82381 2.70952 4.35 1.42143
5.00937 3.40625 1.475 0.25
6.8871 3.06129 5.73226 2.06129
K-Means Prediction Clusters Frequencies:
Label Count Total % Cum. %
1 19 42.22 42.22
2 18 40 82.22
3 8 17.78 100
Total 45 100
See also