Loglinear Analysis MT#

Contains procedures for the analysis of categorical data using loglinear analysis.


The Loglinear Analysis MT application module (LOGLINMT) contains procedures for the analysis of categorical data using loglinear analysis. This application is thread-safe and takes advantage of structures.

The estimation is based on the assumption that the cells of the K-way table are independent Poisson random variables. The parameters are found by applying the Newton-Raphson method using an algorithm found in A. Agresti (1984) Analysis of Ordinal Categorical Data.

You may construct your own design matrix or use LOGLINMT procedures to compute one for you. You may also select the type of constraint and the parameters.


If you’re interested in purchasing LOGLINMT Please contact us to request pricing and installation information.

If you already own LOGLINMT , you can use the GAUSS Package Manager for quick download and installation.

Requires GAUSS/GAUSS Engine/GAUSS Light v8.0 or higher.

Key Features#

  • Fits a hierarchical model given fit configurations.

  • Will fit all 3-way hierarchical models of a table.

  • Provides for cell weights.

  • LOGLINMT can estimate most of the models described in such texts as Y.M.M. Bishop, S.E. Fienberg, and P.W. Holland (1975) Discrete Multivariate Analysis, S. Haberman (1979) Analysis of Qualitative Data, Vols. 1 and 2, as well as the book by A. Agresti.